I title these "Pure Michigan" because if you have ever seen or heard the commercials for Michigan narrated by Tim Allen, Northern Michigan and Glen Lake alway run through my mind. So, I thought that I would share some of those images with you that I captured on our vacation this year!
The water up there is crystal clear! I am not exaggerating when I tell you that you can see the bottom in about 13 feet of water. This is a channel into the Fishers Lakes that is only about 3 feet but you see how clear the water really is. We love going through and seeing how many fish we can find and also seeing what other wildlife that may show up on that particular day.
A group of turtles are usually basking in the warm sun.
A family of Mallard ducks swim by. The babies were so cute!!
Beautiful swans nest on the nearby banks. This shot was taken as the male (in the foreground) puffs itself up because there were nearby kayakers that were getting a little too close! Swans are as mean as they are beautiful!
When we came out of the channel these big puffy storm clouds were starting to form over the hills. They were so beautiful and this picture shows so much natural beauty!
The most amazing thing that I have seen is a Bald Eagle in the wild. I am so amazed at how beautiful and majestic they are in their element. I was lucky enough to capture this shot of an eagle swooping down to get some lunch. I was sitting on the deck and saw it and had to run over children and parents to go get my camera! No one was hurt and I got my shot!
My daughter would take the paddle board and paddle out to a raft that was about 50 yards from our cottage. This shot was on a morning that was so peaceful and the sun sparkled on the water!
Something that is not so "Pure Michigan" is swimmers itch!!
'Swimmer's itch is a dermatities that develops on parts of the body that have been exposed to lake water containing certain larval forms of flatworms. Reddened spots, called papules, form on the body within hours after exposure and may itch intensely for several days before subsiding. After approximately one week, the symptoms usually disappear. In severe cases, a person can develop a fever, become nauseated and spend several sleepless nights suffering from intense itching.'
They are NOT kidding when they say intense itching!!!
The poor boy got it one morning because his mommy forgot to put sunscreen on him. Sunscreen helps to put a barrier between the skin the worm. Good thing that they have special cream now! :)
However, he managed to get a little nap in while we were boating that day. Actually he fell asleep almost every time we went on the boat! It was great!!
The sunsets were so amazing there! Our cottage faced east so we would see the reflection off the clouds and all the beautiful colors that were painted onto the clouds and water. One night my daughter and I took the paddle board to a spot were we could see the sun set behind Sleeping Bear Dunes. It was gorgeous! Couldn't find a way to bring the camera though :(
The wildlife was amazing out of the water too. We saw deer, porcupines, fox, and raccoons. We actually see all of those at home as well but there is something special about them up north. There are more open fields, woods, and hills there to see them in there natural habitat.
I wish that I could show you in person how beautiful that area is. Trying to describe it does not do it justice! It tugs at my heart and soul like a long-lost friend and I cry every time I leave. It is like my second home and I hope to maybe one day, just maybe, make it my home.
I hope everyone has a special place like this, full of memories and feelings. A place that is so embedded into your soul that you can sometimes feel and breathe the essence of it!
You captured a lot of beautiful images. I especially love the one of your daughter on the paddle board. Looks like a wonderful place.
Thanks Rene! It is such a beautiful place and there is so much to see there it was hard to choose what picture to use!