Saturday, September 18, 2010


We figured it out!!

After 6 hours in front of this computer and emailing back and forth with my friend Deborah at With all my Heart...Deborah and walking through it with the hubby, we figured it out!!!

I had a link messed up and crossed on my end and I just deleted the old linky thing from feedburner on the site thingy and put in the correct one.

(see how knowledgeable I am!)


Then, Deborah was so gracious enough to look on her list, take me off of her blog list, then put me back in and there I was!!!!

AND you can now click it and it goes to my blog!!

I love it when you visit me!


Now to be a pain in the you-know-what.

If you have me on your blog list and were having trouble with me, go ahead and delete me from you blog list and then put me back on (only if you want, you do not have to) and I should show up, hopefully.

Thank you Thank you Deborah, Deborah Lynn for checking in on me and hubby for calming me down (the wine didn't hurt either) and walking me through it!!

As I have said before, blogger friends are the best!

Oh, and you too honey!


  1. So glad I can see you again and visit with just a "click"! :)
    You are so welcome.....yeah Michelle!!!!
    Have a retful Sunday my friend!!

    Deborah xoxo

  2. I'm glad I caught it. Actually another blogger added me to her favorites, then asked if something was wrong with blogger. She could add me, but not you. So I checked it out and sure enough, you were missing. Glad you got it fixed!

  3. Oh good...I will keep up better now. Gotta get you added asap.


I love, love, love reading your comments! They bring a smile to my face on a daily basis!