Saturday, September 18, 2010

Measure of Kindness

I want to show you my new scale that Tracy over at Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures sent me out of the kindness of her heart!

See here for the wonderful story.

It was so beautiful with the green color but it didn't fit in my kitchen anymore.

So, I painted it black!

I wrapped the face and other parts that I did not want to get paint on.

Spray painted using a flat paint.

and hung it in its new home!

I filled it with some paper mache pumpkins that I had (of course painted them white) as well as some fall florals that I got at Michaels at 60% off!

Woo Hoo, gotta love a sale!

I love it SO much!!

It is perfect in the little corner over the kitchen bench and each season I can put my little accessories in it!!

Even Bosco loves his little spot and the adorable little pillow that Tracy made for me!

Thank you again Tracy from the bottom of my heart!!

I love having things in my house that conjure up good memories and feelings and this is definitely one of them!!

(thank you Julia for the clever idea for the title, it was so perfect!)


  1. looks awesome in black and it could be in a magazine with those pumkins and fall florals in it. It needed to be there because it looks so perfect. I am glad I could be a part of it. I was very happy for you to have it and now I am elated to see it look so perfect. :)

  2. Hi! Came over from Tracy's to say how much I like the scales little makeover. It looks great in your kitchen and all decked out for fall!

  3. Hi Michelle, I was trying to follow you but google reader is not picking up your feed. :( I don't know what the deal is. Are you changing your blog at all today? I may have to unfollow and then try again.

  4. Absolutely love it Michelle!
    Sooooooooooooooooo pretty!!

    Deborah xoxo

  5. Well, you are most welcome to my analogy! The story of the scale is such a special one. You did a fine job, it looks great... of course I'm imagining it with big quahogs instead of pumpkins :-)

    Hope your day is filled with love.

  6. Your scales look just great!

    Partying with you.

  7. It looks so nice, just perfect in that space. I love the white pumpkins as well. What a great story about Tracy! What a sweetheart! Love to hear things like that.

    PS, thanks for the comment on my blog...I just love comments:)

  8. Cute scale and great transformation. Gotta love the vintage scales.


  9. I absolutely love this Michelle. I have to admit I am a bit envious! It looks beautiful in your home!

  10. Oh this is something I need to add to my "must have" looks just darling!! I'm happy to be your newest follower of your delightful blog and would love to have you as a friend at FrouFrou Decor! I would also like to invite you to link up your sweet creations to my weekly Fabulous Friday Finds party! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrou Decor~

  11. Hi Michelle! What a neat idea! Love it black, where you hung it, and how you decorated it!! I'll certainly be checking out Tracy's site! Oh, and your JLS song is absolutely wunnnnnderful! I've always loved that song and what it stood for..... :) Have a Happy MM!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  12. It looks great! I have a similar scale in my kitchen. I guess I'll be running to Michael's to copy your look.

  13. I'm officially in LOVE...with that scale!
    I've had my eye out for one of these for awhile but no luck so far!!! And the pumpkins look great in it!

  14. Michelle, this is so great. I just got lost in the whole getting the scale story, and checking out Tracys blog. Fun stuff, and THANKS for letting us know about her. I love how this turned out, and am dreaming of a lush plant draping out of it, oh the possibilities. THANK YOU so much for joining my party, and I REALLY look forward to everything else you will be sharing in the future. I'm so thrilled, you remembered me, and I appreciate it so much. Bella :)

  15. What a great change. Perfect for a corner!

  16. That sure is different, and it turned out fantastic...I love how you added the fall decor to it too. Coming over from Vanessa's.

  17. I love that scale! It's truly amazing and my mind went crazy thinking of all the seasonal decorating you can do with it.

  18. Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for coming over today and joining the party and for your sweet comment! I absolutely LOVE what you did with that scale and just think you took it to another stratosphere! I never would have thought of that and that is exactly what is so great about this blogging thing. All of the wonderful inspiration!
    So fun to have you as a friend here in blogland!

  19. Love that old scale! It is gorgeous and would be perfect in my kitchen!

  20. What a great transformation! I would never have thought to use something like that. Love it!

  21. Hi Michelle,
    Your scale looks perfect there, it's unexpected but really fun. Great job on the new color, too!
    I'd love it if you'd drop by for a visit sometime, have a great weekend.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  22. Michelle, just wanted to tell you I featured you again today. This scale you did was not only beautiful, but I LOVED the story behind it so much, I had to share it with everyone. SO happy, I found you. Bella :)

  23. I love that scale! I've never seen anything like it, how fun to throw in different accessories with the season! Heidi

  24. Love it and am so glad you could join the party. Remember to link back :)

  25. Im late with this comment but it helps me to browse through your post that I haven't seen(Im kinda your blog stalker) when Im not feelin especially happy.Dont mind me.So anyhoo....Love that scale!


I love, love, love reading your comments! They bring a smile to my face on a daily basis!