Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Passing The Love

It has been one of those weeks, bad thing is it is only Tuesday! I came home from work tonight feeling pretty down and I looked at my email and saw this sweet little note from from my beautiful friend Deborah from With all my Heart...Deborah saying that she gave me this wonderful award!!

I can't tell you how much she has warmed my heart and made me smile!!

This is my first award and I am so touched!

You have to visit her and her blog! She is such a wonderful friend and she is beautiful inside and out!!

These awards are a great way to show others that you are interested in what they have to contribute to the blogosphere, and showcase some of the people you follow.

The rules for winning this award are as follows:

* Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

* Share 7 things about yourself.

* Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.

* Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.

7 things that about me:

1. I am shy when I am around a group of people. People have commented in the past that I come off as, well, you know......So, I try to be outgoing but then it backfires because I can't stop talking and just wind up digging myself in a hole.

2. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!

3. I love my family more than I know! I know that sounds odd but there are days that they just amaze me and the love just grows deeper with time.

4. I am a complete daddy's girl!! My dad is my hero, my rock and my friend. My mom is my best friend and has taught me so much in life, love and faith.

5. I had open heart surgery when I was 32 and by the love and grace of God I was given a second chance at life.

6. I started blogging to try and sell my jewelry, but what I received is friendship, inspiration and true kindness! I am amazed at all of you and how true and genuine you are!

7. Last and most important, I love God, my family and my friends with all my heart and I am so blessed to have lived, loved, and lost.

I am passing this award on to these bloggy friends. I love all the blogs and friends that I follow and if I could give out more than 15, I truly would! I hope that you accept this award knowing that you have inspired me and make me smile on a daily basis!!

Please forgive me if you don't participate in these.


  1. Hi Michelle! I just sent you an email but just had to say thank you again for thinking of me! Now I need to figure out what to share about myself because I don't want to scare anyone off! :-)

  2. Hi Michelle, thank you SO much for this wonderful award, I'm very humbled and flattered! I'm sorry you are having one of those weeks, but you truly are deserving of this great award! And it's always nice to learn a little bit more about you my friend!

    Thank you again!

    Kat :)

  3. So sorry you are having a rough week! But just remember things will always get better!!!! So happy you got a sweet award:):) And thank you for thinking of me too!!!!
    Hope the rest of your week perks up....:):)

  4. Thank you sooo much for including me! You are so sweet!

  5. Congratulations on your award Michelle! You are always so kind to respond to my comments and to stay tuned in to my blog. I really appreciate you! Thank you so much for sharing the award with me. I am deeply touched.

  6. So fun to read more about you Michelle. Thank you for passing this award on to me! It means so much coming from you. Have a great day!

  7. Congrats on your award! Hope you are feeling better!!

  8. Too sweet! I will go check out their links! Just came over from Modern Country Home, love your blog and am happy to be your newest follower! Love that pic she posted of you and the power tool!

  9. Just found you through Modern Country Style..LOVE your blog! Im your newest follower~ :)Rachel

  10. Thank you so much Michelle!!!! It was great to learn a little bit more about you..., you're such a good bloggy friend to me!!!!

    I hope that you feel better....when I'm "low" I always remind myself that I can choose to focus on a thought or belief that feels good.

    Big hug,


  11. Michelle, you are so sweet. I so appreciate your daily comments on my posts, and your encouragement. You are truly amazing. (and I was even going to write and tell you that today WITHOUT you giving me an award!) ;)
    You are doing great at blogging, and your weekend find is awesome! love it!
    thanks again

  12. Oh my gosh! Open heart surgery? I am so glad you're okay!!

  13. I feel so bad that I haven't posted yet on my wonderful award! I think you are amazing, the fact that you were given a second chance at life is a miracle! My hope is to someday meet in person :) Thanks so much!

  14. Michelle, you are surely sweeter than ever, and I knew it even before this award, which I can't believe I missed accepting. I am in awe at your awesome design style, it is so refreshing, and I've told you before but coming to your blog, is like a little getaway, to the beach, I just love it. I am so happy that your new heart is as beautiful as ever, I am lucky to have made a friend and appreciate all the support you have given me as well. How can you not love blogging with friends like you. I will pass this honor on as soon as I can get my head around how to narrow down my favorites, and of course what to write about myself, lol, harder than it sounds. THANK YOU MICHELLE, you are awesome!!!!



I love, love, love reading your comments! They bring a smile to my face on a daily basis!