Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Open Up A Window

When at last I took the time to look

into the heart of a flower,

it opened up a whole new world..

as if a window had been opened

to let

in the sun.

-Princess Grace of Monaco


  1. This is true, Michelle. They are miraculous creations. :)

  2. Love flowers, how lucky are we to witness God's touch?

  3. Beauty is all around us. What a beautiful quote to remind us.

    Hope you're having a wonderful night!

    ;D `Michelle

  4. Beautiful...I adored Princess Grace! xox

  5. Good morning dearest! Oh the simple beauty of life...that is what I LOVE...and you capture it well with your style,color scheme and thoughts! Have a perfect day...Anita

  6. Lovely way to begin my day...love this truth and love those tulips..one of my very favourite blooms!
    Love you too sweetie!

    All my love,
    Deborah xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  7. A thought as lovely as the princess herself. I wish you happiness today, Miss Michelle. May lovely things come your way.

  8. Beautiful quote and picture, Michelle! :)

  9. Lovely! and it reminded me of such a special moment looking into a flower that I've just got to tell you about it... it was a blown out iceberg rose, nothing special to look at, but in its center was a tiny,tiny bug luxuriating in the stamens...and at that moment i realized that even the 'mundane' is the entire universe for someone!!

  10. I love your new thang of putting up quotes like these. I really like seeing which quotes you pick out.

    This is a lovely one. Flowers, open windows and sunshine.....you can't go wrong with those in a quote, can you?!


  11. So pretty! Just bought myself some tulips and look in their hearts for consolation from the cold ;)

  12. The bed was awesome. I love how you made it over top of the other bed frame...I would have never thought of it!

  13. Good Morning! Hoping to see you back today for
    Cottage Flora Thursday's! xoxo

  14. Fabulous quote!!!

    Speaking of fabulous, I love your headboard below for your daughters room, it's gorgeous!

  15. What a romantic thought.I love it. The bed is so fab by the way you are so creative.

  16. So pretty, including the photo. What have you been up to this week?

  17. Good morning precious Michelle! It is so lovely to see your beautiful smile on my comments page this morning! Oh, the weekend is coming! Any plans for FUN? I am visiting a dear blogger pal who lives in my city....Suzanne from Privet and Holly!!! I think you may know her. She is a fine writer and dear artist of the heart. Wouldn't it be so lovely to have a WORLD BLOG REUNION? Ohhhh...the thought makes me smile.

    Have a lovely day, Anita

  18. Lovey words & photo! Thanks for sharing :D

  19. A beautiful quote and picture! Thanks for sharing ;)


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