Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CSN Winner

Hello Lovies!
I hope you are all doing well and had a wonderful Valentines Day!
The weather is pretty mild here right now, but don't worry, it is supposed to get cold again this weekend!

Hey did you know that Michigan actaully has five seasons?
I know, crazy isn't it!!?

That fifth season falls between winter and spring and its

POT HOLE season!!!!!

(source unknown)

ok, not that bad but it does look like the below picture!

(source unknown)


All the snow, ice, salt and dirt erode the pavement and it is like driving through land mines!!

They don't get fixed until about April/May or whenever it starts to get above 50 degrees for more than a second.

Oh my poor car!!!!!!

Ok, now on to something more fun...the winner of the $35 gift certificate to CSN is...

#27 Chris who said that
"i am so ready to work in my flower beds!!! "
(I will send you an email Chris)

It looks like many of you are ready to get your hands dirty planting flowers!
I so enjoyed reading all of your responses and I am VERY ready for Spring and Summer!

Planting flowers
Flip flops
Tank tops
Walks on the beach
Sitting on my deck
No more arguments with my 5-year-old about snow suits!
Top down on the Jeep
Open windows in the house

oh, I could go on and on and on......

Thank you again for everyone that entered and welcome to my new friends and I so blessed to have you all here with me!

Come back tomorrow when I will blog swapping with my friend Kindra from At Home With K

Have a wonderful day!!!



  1. just got my email!!! ty so much i am off to shop!!

  2. oh my those potholes are pretty bad! Congrats to the winner!!

  3. Congrats to Chris! It's nice to have a little shopping spree!

    Can't wait for our swap tomrrow! Enjoy your nice weather...we are getting it too!

  4. Congrats to Chris!!! Michelle, watch out of those pot holes. I remember too when the snow melts it floods the streets at times. What cars are put through in the cold weather states! xoxo tami

  5. Congrats, Chris! Have fun shopping!

    That first pot hole is a doozie. Don't drink hot coffee and drive, Meshell :) I remember pot hole season when we lived in IL. UGH!

    Hope you're having a good week!


  6. Congrats to Chris. I hate those potholes. Try driving a nice car on those roads!

  7. Oh sweetie, please dont sink into one of those pot-holes!! lol
    Wow..they sure have a way of wrecking your vehicle huh?
    I hope the roads arent too hard on your jeep!
    Oh I love jeeps by the way! :)
    Congrats to Chris on the win!
    Have a great day sweetie...I know, I cant wait for summer..but I suppose spring has to come
    Love you sweetie!

    Deborah xoxo

  8. Thankfully we don't have too many potholes from this winter! And it's actually been balmy the last few days so I'm getting excited about springtime!

    Congratulations to Chris!

    Kat :)

  9. Ha ha ha !
    That would mean Texas has 3. The first two being
    HOT AND COLD and of course 'pothole season' would fall somewhere in between those!

    I just found your blog -- am enjoying reading it.


  10. Those potholes look deadly! Congratulations to Chris. I'm so looking forward to Spring too :-)

  11. Well done to Chris....hope you get something especially gorgeous!

    I've never seen potholes like that before. It must be a nightmare for you over there - drive safely.


  12. All those romantic pictures of snow I see in movies - and this is the reality they don't let us see. A downside to all that beauty.

    Congtratulations Chris, happy gardening.

    Lisa x

  13. Congrats to the lucky winner!!;) Hope your day is going great Michelle!! Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  14. Congratulations to Chris! :) And oh my goodness, that first picture is scary!

    Here's to an early spring~ it couldn't come soon enough! :)

    I hope you have a great day!



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