Thursday, November 10, 2011


Hi again!
I am sitting here in the dark writing this, with the only light being that from my dying fire and my dying computer.  
You see the gales of November are upon us here in Michigan and that means that not only is it approaching the winter season but it also means that it is power-outage season in my neck of the world.
We live in the woods and well, you know.
So I have been trying to keep warm by finding lovelies on Pinterest. :)

and just for fun.....

How YOU doin'?

So I hope you have a wonderful weekend and stay warm, maybe one or all of these will help.
 I know some of the areas of the US are getting hit pretty hard with some nasty weather and hopefully you are not sitting in the dark as well.
Hopefully the power is back on by the time this posts.
Although it is kind of peaceful for now. :)




  1. Oh, Ryan Gosling =) Thanks for making my morning chuckle.

  2. I forgot everything you wrote when seeing the last pic... :-D

  3. I'm definitely warmer now Michelle! And you put a little smil
    e on my face too! Thanks for sharing his hot...oops, I mean the warm images today!!

  4. LOL! That made me smile! Love me some Ryan Reynolds! Such a cutie! My favorite movie of his is "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock! They were so cute together in that movie & Betty White was hysterical! If you haven't seen it, its a must see!!

  5. Hahahaha...honestly that put a smile on my face too. The last pic was a good idea. Very in fact. Know what I mean? I'm sitting in a cold, dreary blue and white editorial office cubicle which is shabby but not chic. Just shabby. Like moss green. Not ruffles.

  6. Ha ha, lovely autumn post here! It's damp and grey outside where i live, but for today, i quite enjoy this mood! Have a lovely day Michelle!

  7. Hope your power is back on! Very warm post! lol Love your ruffled curtain you made too.

  8. ahhh Pintrest is a wonderful horrible thing all mixed into one. I preparing myself for a long Minnesota winter as well and not excited about it.

  9. Hope your power is back on and you're warm and cozy!

  10. Ooohhh ... kittens!!!

    You just reminded me that I have to go sweater shopping. I purged a lot of my old ones this year, and I need to restock. :)

  11. um yes, ryan reynolds can come keep me warm any night.
    and i love buying sweaters that have sleeves long enough for me to tuck my hands into them. :)

  12. Cozy photos, all of them. Glad you are keeping warm. I have yet to venture into Pinterest...I just have not had time and I know I will need plenty to explore. Our weather is lovely even if it is cold. But I have come down with a cold. First one in years so I shan't complain. Just sets me back in schedule. Maybe this is a good time to check out Pinterest.

  13. I think Ryan would keep anyone warm! Even without a shirt(him of course).

  14. Hi hunny...ahhh sorry th epower is fading there, but it sounds like its cozy too right? :)
    I love your warm choices from Pinterest...I am loving this sight..athough Im not really sure had to work
    Love those long cuddly sweaters that cover the hands..they are my favourites!
    Hope you have a wonderful day..keep warm my sweet xo

    Much love,
    Deborah xoxoxoox

  15. Those are great images....especially that last one! Stay warm! Sometimes you make me want to move to the woods of Michigan and bag this warm Texas thing!

  16. Hallo Michelle! it seems rather weird for me to think you're on the side of the world reading me right now.. I know, the greatness of the web! Thank you so much for your lovely comments, you know I love you and your blog and reading of you in my blog mekes me proud.
    I love interest, too. It's kind of a drug to me!
    many hugs

  17. ops, I mean "you are on the other side of the world" not just on the side ehehe

  18. Ha! I really loved the little kitten pic until I got to the last one of course ;)

    At least you're having a good time with your computer while you can! Perhaps a generator should be in your future?


  19. Michelle, I really can't complain here where I live, but for a few years we did live in Illinois and I have to say, since then...I havn't really been cold. Those winters made me realize what cold really is. So, here's a few warm hugs I'm sending your way...thank you for the inspirational photos, tami

  20. **sigh** Nothing better than a pretty face and a pair of jeans! LOL.

  21. That last photo was quite a nice surprise!! lol

    Hope you stay warm...I'll see if I can send you some of our 70 degree weather. :)

  22. Loving that last photo!! You made me laugh with the "How you Doing?". Love your blog and I can't wait to visit your past posts!
    I'm a little jealous that your able to enjoy a fire where you are. In So Cal, we don't have much need for a fire, but it always makes me think of winter.
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  23. Oh my, thanks for that! I'm all warm and toasty now.
    We had a little cold front go through here. Nothing like you have I'm sure :)

  24. Everything looks so very cozy...especially that last photo. ;)

  25. Oh my...things are heating up over at Emerald Cove:)! LOL Visiting your blog is always such a treat for me:) Lovely music, lovely picts, and that lovely (ever changing) blog header of yours:) Have a great holiday season, Michelle.

  26. I smiled and felt warmed by the cozy sweaters. I began to warm even more next to that fire (it needs a couch or something to lay down on in front of it). I melted when I saw the kittens, then I burst into flames when I saw Ryan...or maybe that was just a hot flash...excuse me, I need to go take a cool shower.

  27. I heard on the news that some areas of Mi. were without power.. sorry to hear you are one of them. It sure was cold here today in Grand Haven. Time to start making some cozy fires in the hearth. And I need to go buy some long underware. Brrrrrrrr!
    light some candles, drink some cocoa and stay warm.

  28. Oh my, those cute kittens make me feel warm all over!


    omg the image with the fireplace. just blow my place to smithereens and let me have that one spot. it was just UNCALLED for to kill me in the face and post that one, michelle. i prob won't sleep.

    thinking about photoshopping this ryan image with my husband's face, yes?


  30. Michelle- Keep warm!

    I do know what you mean by the glow of the computer screen. My in-laws live "in the woods" and once the power conked out and we opened the laptops for the nice glow way before we found any candles! Ha ha!

    Sadly, batteries do die down. Hang in there!


  31. Power outages are the worst! We just had a two day outage right before Halloween - not fun! Stay warm - loved the pictures. You brought a smile to my face!
    Take care!

  32. Those kittens - ooooooooh and, Ryan Gosling - YOWSER!!!
    Have a great weekend, you just made mine :-)

  33. Hope the powers back on! Love the first photo of the grey sweater. I would love that with some jeans and boots.

  34. Love the comfy sweater! I live in Kentucky but my family has a summer home in the UP of Michigan. On my phone it is set to that weather.. and a bit chilly it is today!

  35. I saw that cute little pile of kittens and thought I'd love to have those....then, I saw the next picture and thought MmmmMmmm. Wouldn't you like to cozy up to him in front of a fire...with some kittens too, of course. Ryan Reynolds is so delicious.

  36. I was gonna say, "I LOVE THAT FIRST SWEATER AND THAT FIREPLACE" but then that last photo.........yikes!


  37. Your pictures actually make me wish it were colder here! Cozy blankets, a warm fire, hot coffee and an even hotter Ryan Reynolds sound very appealing :) Stay warm, my friend!!

  38. Ok Michelle...I thought I'd stay warm by the fire...then the kitties stole my heart...then, well that last photo...totally hot! Thanks girlfriend!

  39. Oh Michelle, you are so funny. Love ALL the pictures :) anyway I hope the weather is better now and you are keeping warm. Hugs, Valerie

  40. Stay warm Michelle :) You are so good at posting. I loved all the photos you shared today. That last photo is great but it was really the little kittens that got me...I'm such a sucker for them :)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  41. This post makes me feel all warm and cozy... especially that last pix! Ha ha

  42. Oh no sweet friend...stay cozy and warm...looks like you are doing just that! xoxoxooxo

  43. What a lovely, cozy post! Beautiful blog, too...

  44. I had to go back and check out Ryan's picture 3 times LOL!! Um, I'm certainly warmer now. ;O)

    We haven't lost power...yet. It's only a matter of time around here.

    Beach hugs to you & the family,

  45. What a lovely cosy, warm post - it's a flat dreary day today so your images have brightened up my day!
    Melissah from Coastal Style

  46. The last pic is my favorite tee hee. Hope you are warm and the power is on. We had lots and lots of rain this weekend and it's bright and sunny today ;)

  47. Glad I didn't read this yesterday.. it was over 38c here.. way too hot way too soon!! although maybe I could have pretended it was cold!!

    Hope the weather sorts itself for you Michelle.. and have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie

  48. I love the image of sweater sleeves and a hot mug of...something. That pretty much sums up winter for me!

  49. lol - all images to warm things up. We got your weather last night over here further east...but we stayed south of tornado warnings, just some high winds and tons of rain.

    Not a fan of winter at all, especially when the snow hits us but I do love warm sweaters and hot drinks.

  50. The wind is wild outside right now, so this post is just great. My definition of cold is probably a little different from a lot of people (anything below 70 is freezing!), but it feels like it's time to curl up with a blanket and a book. I think I'm ready for some tea! Oh, and I do believe winter was invented for sweaters, and not the other way around ;)


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