Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Finished Wall

Yesterday I was lucky enough that I didn't have to go into work (yeah), so I grabbed my daughter and we started painting the hardboard planks that I put up on Saturday!

We primed it with about two coats of Kilz.

Then I finished up with the Behr's paint-in-primer "Crisp Linen White"! Even though it had primer it in it still took about two coats and some touch ups here and there. It is a nice paint but you still need primer especially if you are painting white over dark wood.

I think that I am going to paint the hutch the color that is on the door, it is a little less purple than the "Sharky Gray", and it reminds me of the color of driftwood, but who knows, I seem to change my mind a lot!

Anyway, I am REALLY happy how it turned out!! It really gives my kitchen that cozy cottage look that I was hoping for!

Please excuse the mess, it seems that I make little piles by sorting through big piles to make myself think that I am cleaning up!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend was very busy and tiring..... but productive!! While I went to work on Saturday morning (icky), my hubby was nice enough to go get the hardboard from Lowes.

We cut 3 sheets down to 4" wide stripes that were 4' in length (Lowes was nice enough to cut the 4' x 8' pieces into 4' x 4' which made it ALOT easier to handle when cutting)

Note to self - probably shouldn't weat flip flops while cutting large peices on the table saw. It was VERY messy!!!

Anyway, we got them cut down and hubby helped me put the first few up and off I went....



Well, sort of, I still have to paint it.

I have to tell you that it took me a little over 6 hours to put all this up and I was so exhausted I couldn't even lift my arms up anymore (thank God for the nail gun though!)

It was about 7:30 when we finished up. I cleaned up, got supper.....

mmmmmm, Honey Combs!!!

Later, got me some vino, sat on the couch and watched 'The Backup Plan' with the hubby!

Way cute movie by the way.

Sunday morning we got up and went to the flea market with some friends. I loved it! It was a little overwhelming at first but quickly made myself comfortable and even starting bargaining!

Ok, I bargained for one thing and it was only $2 less than what they were asking, but hey!

I was really excited when I found this self right at the start! I have been wanting one of these to go above the bed. Nothing really special about it, which is what I liked, very simple.

I also found this great little Pet Milk Co. box and this large metal can that will look great in the kitchen!!!

All in all I thought that I did pretty good at the flea market and may have to go back next month now that I know what to expect.

This week I need to paint the new wall, finish up with the cabinets, start to repaint my hutch and then start on all the decorating details!!

That is my favorite part!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Quick Kitchen Update

As I was painting I was really becoming irritated that the more white there was in my kitchen the uglier and more yellow my frig became! It is a hand-me-down frig from my parents and it works pretty good, it is just that icky yellowish color.


I took a deep breath, prayed that my hubby wouldn't walk out on me for ruining the frig, purchased some refrigerator paint at Home depot and began painting!!

All I used was a small roller and a small paint brush (rolling was definitely easier than the brush)

I was AMAZED at how easy it was to use, it smelled awful and was very runny, but it dried beautifully!!!!

You can see the contrast here. What a difference!!

It really makes the kitchen look brighter!!

And, my hubby really liked it!

Here a couple more sneak peaks of what I have done so far!

I moved these from an entry way to under the cupboards. I think I will paint them white as well and see if I can't find another one.

I moved the large shelf over to another wall.

I found this ladder at a favorite store of mine for $10. We hung it horizontal on the wall where the shelf used to be. I just threw some things up there to see what it would look like.

Anyway, I still have a ways to go. We are going to work on our wall this weekend. Miss Mustard Seed Creations did one of her guest bedroom walls with a hardboard that they cut into pieces to resemble exposed planks. I have been wanting to do this for so long but just did not know how until I came across her blog a couple weeks ago! The hardboard is REALLY inexpensive and it looked pretty easy to do (at least she made it look that way)

We are also going to giant flea market on Sunday and I am REALLY excited and hope to find some great treasures for my kitchen!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Picture Bug

My daughter LOVES taking pictures!! (Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree) Last week my mother-in-law took the kids to a place near us called Mt. Baldy. It is a large sand dune that you get to by climbing UP about 282 steps!! UGH!!!!

Um, not for me!!!!

He really doesn't look that excited. Not sure that I would either.

Once they finally reached the top and stopped a minute or two to catch their breathes, they preceded to head to the dunes that overlook Lake Michigan.

Here she grabbed the camera and took some really beautiful pictures of the lake, even giving the picture some interest by shooting through the beach grass!

She was really proud of her pictures, as she should be, they turned out great!!!! May have to print some off and hang them in the house!

Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Day Is It?

I have forgotten how big my kitchen/dining area really is (even though my hubby swears we are losing square footage with all the paint coats that are on the wall).

I feel like I have been painting for weeks!

Even my frig is feeling the effects!

NOT a healthy diet!!

Once again the cat decides to sit in the window right AFTER I painted it!!!
Remember this? Yeah, he strikes again!!

At least this time there are no paws prints all over the floor, but I did have to repaint the window sill again.

He seems pretty upset about it too!

Anyway, remember the "Sharky Grey" that I had and wasn't sure where to put it? Well, I think that I have found a place for it? I think it would make the hutch "pop".

What do you think?

I have also purchased some fabric samples that I will show you later. I hope to recover the bench seating.

We are also going to a flea market on Sunday and I REALLY excited because this is my first big flea market!! I know, sad that I have waited this long.

I should be done painting the walls today and then on to more cabinets!

Until next time, I will leave you with this wonderful image.....

HELP ME!!!!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Love Re-Newed

At the beginning of the summer my parents neighbor's daughter came to them and asked if they could get married in their backyard. My parents were honored and of course said yes. We couldn't have asked for better neighbors growing up. They have been there for about 40 years and remain great friends to this day, not something you see very often anymore.

My parents garden is very simple, yet beautiful. They work hard and put love and sweat into it. It is a peaceful place to sit and enjoy the day or a place to gather and share memories with family and friends.

The fountain is always to soothing to listen to.

The bench was a perfect place to take pictures.

Anyway, their wedding date was August 21st which happened to be my parents 45th wedding anniversary. My mom and dad thought that it would be a perfect time and place to renew their vows.

45 years is something to celebrate!

My parents are every bit as in love with each other today as they were the day they got married. In ways, their love is greater, having lived through times that both challenged them and excited them along with raising two children.

The happy couple!!

My daughter, myself and my mom.

My brother.

I wasn't able to take any photos of the ceremony because I was in it....

but I was able to snap some after. The image of the rings up close is always my favorite in wedding pictures.

My mom and dads friends that were in their wedding 45 years ago also joined us and we toasted to many more years!

Our neighbors surprised my mom and dad with a cake of their own!
I can't tell you how much it meant to see my parents renew a love that has lasted through time. To see two people that I admire, respect an love so very much pronounce their love once again, to put the past behind them, but never forget it, and start again on a new future.

If my marriage is half as great as theirs, I would consider myself blessed. I learn from their examples, mistakes and triumphs and always listen to what they have to say. I hope that it is something that I can pass along to my children.

Like my brother said that day, they are the rock of our family.