Friday, March 25, 2011

Catch the Winds

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed in the things that you didn’t do than the ones you did do, so throw off the bow lines.

Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!”

- Mark Twain

Have a beautiful Weekend!!



  1. probably the things I did not do. interesting thought and quote...I was always disapointed I did not do nursing right after highschool...

  2. Great words! Thanks for the reminder ;) My post for Monday is similar to this.

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend!

  3. How true is this?!!
    A great word Michelle...
    Happy sailing my sweet! :)

    All my love,
    Deborah xo

  4. i needed that! Thanks Michelle!!



  5. Good thoughts here. I've recently made some major decisions against what I'd prefer and am trusting God for the rest. Thanks for the reminders.

  6. So true - Explore . Dream. Discover . I would add Create ! Thank you for the reminder and this wonderful picture !
    Safe Journey !

  7. Beautiful photo, Michelle. Have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend.

  8. So true...beautiful pic!!!


  9. I love Mark Twain! Great advice and thanks for sharing!!!

  10. Beautiful words and great reminders. Love the picture. Have a lovely weekend too.


  11. YES!!! YES!!! That is all we have left to do if we want to make our lives EXCITING and worth living! I am trying to explore write it! YIKES...difficult, but aren't the TRADE WINDS as such?

    Enjoy your beautiful home precious, I am doing that this COMING SPRING BREAK WEEK!!!! Anita

  12. Michelle, I love that pic and I love the quote. Great choices!! And I do need reminders, so thank you:)

  13. Oh my gosh, this quote is so true! My little business I'm starting with my driftshells is something I've wanted to do for so long and put it off for various reasons. I'm so much happier now than I've been for years. Yep, I sailed away from the safe harbour and I'm loving every minute!!!!

    I'm going to have to use this quote in an upcoming post, it is perfect!

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  14. Oh, I LOVE your new blog button! Julie is a special blogger friend of mine and has inspired me over and over again. She sent me one of her photos last year and I had it proudly hanging in my studio until I moved. Can't wait to get settled somewhere and be able to see it again everyday. She's amazing!

    P.S. I love the look of your button on my background, it fits in perfectly!

  15. I love this quote. What a wonderful inspiring way to start off this beautiful Saturday morning.

  16. Throwing off the bow lines... :)

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend! Beautiful words!



  17. I'm a sailor, so that has to be one of my favorite quotes :)

    Have a great weekend!

  18. Beautiful post! Have a great weekend mein freund.

  19. Michelle with this move approaching quickly I have done just that! Ive allowed myself to dream. Ive been dreaming about where we will be, who we will meet, and the most important thing Will there be crown molding there!? lol lol Thanks for making me smile.

  20. I LOVE this outlook on life! It is so true!!! It sure makes ya think doesn't it!

    I had so much fun reasing all the names everyone suggested on my blog & I sure do love your kiddos names!!! Hope you are having fun with them today!!!

  21. Michelle-

    "Sail away from the safe harbour."

    So true! You never regret it...


  22. Thank you for these words today Michelle! Funny how I'm becoming more of a dreamer as I get older...I used to be such a realist...maybe when we get older our dreams are just a bit more reachable? Something to think about! :-)

  23. Hi Dear Michelle
    This quote is very timely for me.. I running decisions around my head lately and suspect only fear is keeping me from moving forward... I'll take your lovely post today as inspiration.. and all those beautiful colours in your sailboat shot!!

    Have a fabulous weekend.. ciao xxxx Julie

  24. Great message Michelle. I hope you're having a good weekend.


  25. Love the message, thank you! Have a lovely Sunday dear girl.

  26. good old Mark Twain!
    I LOVE that fresh photo.

  27. I live by that Michelle. Even if I am still alive in 30 or 40 years I will be too old to travel so travel is my constant goal and occaisional achievment these days. Right now

    Hope you are having a good weekend
    Best Carolyn

  28. That is so true - hope you´ve had a great weekend! :-)

  29. Love love this has always been one of my favourites. Happy new week to you...make it a good one my friend. xoo

  30. Ahhhh...I am catching the wind right now...loving the fact that I have an ENTIRE WEEK OFF and that creativity awaits me, even if all I do is read and learn and write and create. THE SNOW IS MELTING DEAREST! And there is a wild rabbit in the yard that has found a patch of grass, has eaten to his chubby little heart's content and is now snoozing...Spring is showing it's signs around here! HOW ABOUT YOU??? THank you for visiting sweet one, Blessings to you, Anita

  31. Love the quote...good 'ol Mark Twain always tells it like it is :)

  32. I had not heard this quote before, but I love it! What excellent advice! :)

    Thanks for sharing this, Michelle!

    Also, I wanted to thank you so much for your sweet words about the master bathroom progress! It made my day! :)

    I hope you have a great Monday!


  33. Beautiful quote Michelle! Reminds me of the Christopher Cross song, Ride like the Wind!!!

  34. Truer words have never been spoken. I love Mark Twain!

  35. So true, so true. We have to live each day to the fullest.


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