Monday, March 28, 2011

More Mood Board Fun!

Good Morning my friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
The sun was shining here all weekend although it was still really cold, but that's ok, I will take the sun! :)

Today I will be joining Anne from Bird/Like again for her bird inspired mood board linky party. I am loving these and this weeks inspiration is the Galah.


I am not sure of the style of the room but I loved the bold look of the furniture surrounded by the neutrals and fun little pillows here and there.
(Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a wall like that?)
I love rooms like this and even though this is not the style of my home, it is so fun to be able to dream! :)

Also I spent all day Saturday rearranging and making changes to my kitchen.

Don't ask.

I am not sure why I do the things I do.

Luckily my husband just goes along with it.
He just kept looking at me and telling me that he didn't like the look in my eyes or my cheesy smile when I asked him to help me here and there. :)

I will be back later to show you the kitchen and an update on the family room. The floors are all in and I have a quarter round to paint this week.
I also made two pillows and ran out of the ticking so I have to go back and get some more.

Enjoy your Monday and don't forget to link up or go check out Anne's linky party!



  1. i like the blue sofa and pink chair on your mood board!
    cheryl x

  2. Love that sofa, chair and mirror! Gorgeous mood board! Miss Walker xoxo

  3. Can I come over to play? :)
    You are having way too much fun...and you shouldn't be doing it alone!!!
    Love your selections in your mood boards..those colours and accents go lovely together hunny!
    I can't wait to see all your reveals!!
    Can you bottle some of that energy and ship it this way?)
    Its sunny here too but cold as well..have a lovely day my sweet..xo

    Much love,
    Deborah xoxoxoxoxoxo

  4. Good morning precious one! It sounds as if you too had plenty of sun, but with cool temps. Same here; but we enjoyed the warm rays INSIDE as the rays streamed into our French put us right to sleep in the middle of the day, and it was luscious. Well, I am on spring break and I have been searching ALL MORNING in my files for a killer diller gorgeous photo I have of the beach that I wanted to use with YOU in mind, but I cannot FIND IT! I have been dumping old photos, but to no avail do I find the one I want!!!

    I am working on a mood board as well; I must go to Ann's place and see what this is all about! HAVE A PERFECT DAY!!! Anita

  5. I constantly change things around, to the point where I can't remember where the bin and toaster are. This week I looked in 3 different places for the bin. I love change, and am always looking for a better way of organizing etc.


  6. it looks beautiful! i like that wou went with a pink rather than red.

  7. Beautiful mood board, Michelle! I love the sofa...the color is so rich. I can't wait to see your finished rooms!

  8. Love the mirror and couch! And the pop of pink!

  9. I really have to try making a mood board soon - it looks like so much FUN! :-)

    Have a great day! :-)

  10. I think I need that blue sofa sent to my house!!! ; ) Happy Monday!

  11. Oh sweet friend! I FOUND MY PICTURE! But I could not find it in my files, but fortunately, I just typed in BEACH GLASS into Google images, and THERE IT WAS! Have a bright and warmER day!! Anita

  12. Hi Michelle, I'm hopping over from Anne's party to say that I love your room, especially the tree graphic against the blue sofa. Sigh, wouldn't that look nice in my home! Have a great day - I'm eager to see more of your work.

  13. Mood board perfection!!! I am so wanting a sofa like that...what was your resource on that? Love how you mixed the vintage sofe with the modern floor lamp and chair!!!

  14. You are too funny!
    But you know I am getting it!

  15. Hi Michelle! Darn it all! Just after I promised myself I was not going to sign up to follow ONE MORE BLOG...that darned Vanessa over at The Picket Fence sent me here...and, unfortunately, you are now stuck with me. I love your blog and I am here to stay!;>) Hugs- Diana

  16. Good morning my friend! LOVE your board and I'm SO happy you joined the party! We may make a go of this idea yet! Love the pink chair and I almost used that same chandelier cushion... Olio has so many fun choices!

  17. That is one cool looking bird. Where do you get all the energy to redo your home! You can start at my house once you are done there lol Have fun.

  18. Michelle, I'm sure what ever you've done in the kitchen is going to look gorgeous as always. The mood board is so cool to match up with the gorgeous colors of a bird, hadn't thought of it!
    Wishing you a Wonderful Week, xxx tami

  19. You are so funny! I think it's called rearranging ADD or ADHD. My husband says he won't get too used to something being somewhere because he knows it will change in a week :) He knows me all too well. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes you've made in the kitchen and especially, the family room!
    Oh, and I really need to try one of these mood boards. I can't let you have all the fun! That sofa is gorgeous. Love the lamp, too.
    Happy pillow making!

  20. Uh, I'm loving that chalkboard marker!! You're one busy bee. I sometimes feel overwhelmed just having to clean my house on Mondays, lol. And one fashionable bird, haha.

  21. I saw you over at "At the Picket Fence" and had to stop by to check out your blog. I love your blog. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  22. I LOVE the tree on your mood board, Michelle!

    And thank you for giving me the names of your gray paint colors! This coming weekend we are making the rounds at Home Depot and Lowes. I need to kick my projects into gear ☺ Hope you have a great weel!

  23. Hi there's so much fun taking a peak at your remodeling projects! Can't wait to see what you've done with your kitchen.

  24. Love that wall and I want the pink chair!

  25. Oh Michelle my daughter would love this for her living room in her first apartment! I'll have to send her this post!!

  26. Love your mood board! Just found your lovely blog via At the Picket Fence. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back. Your home is so gorgeous. Enjoying browsing around here.

  27. Hi Michelle! I'm popping over from Vanessa's blog as she was featuring you today and showed us a couple snaps of your lovely home!
    Love the looks of the color board - looks fun.
    Oh, I'd love to see your kitchen! And...I'm having a kitchen party on April 5th - Show Us Your Favorite Cupboard and would love you to join me!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Great moodboard! I love the inspiration!

  29. It is nice to dream!! Sometimes I wish I had several different homes so I could decorate so I could decorate each one differently! Then I could spend a few months a year in all of them! Ha ha...keep dreaming Tonya! Never gonna happen!!

  30. That is one beautiful bird. Wow.

  31. That is one fun mood board! Lots of personality! I do think I'll ever tire of these!
    I totally know what you're talking about when you go around and rearrange things. I think it's nesting. It must be hormonal.
    My hubby just goes along with it too. It's safer that way ;)
    Hope you're having a good start to the week!
    P.S. two years after our floors were laid we STILL have quarter round to install!! You'r doing good!

  32. Oh Michelle, you always sound like you are having so much fun with all your changes. I can't wait to see what you've been doing :)


  33. Michelle, such lovely colors and I love the Parrot!!!

    I have a new giveaway up I think you will love…from The Zhush!

    Art by Karena

  34. Michelle!

    I don't know where you find the energy - you have so many amazing projects!!! I can't WAIT to see the DR floors! You sound like you have one patient hubby. I just broke the news to mine that we are re-painting the entire downstairs. Hey! They knew what they were getting into when they married us - right??


  35. Michelle, you are so energetic and really get things going in your house - great! I just look for some free time to start on some projects myself ... Dreaming about decorating ideas is what i love too.
    Have a fun day!

  36. I love that sofa and mirror on your mood board! And, based on the sneak previous of your kitchen, can't want to see it!

  37. Such a lovely color combo!!have a wonderful time,my darling!

  38. How did you make your mood board? So cool! Can't wait to see what your whipping up in the kitchen! I bet it's pretty. :)

  39. Hello,

    Love your mood board and you give me lots of inspiration to finish tackling some small projects in my house. Love that couch and chair!!!
    Thank you for your feedback on my mantel. I will try covering it with white paper. Great idea!
    Take care and have a great week.

  40. Hi Michelle
    Well you had me at 'Hello" with that blue sofa. As you know us coastal chicks just love a bit of blue. I could definately find a home for that here at the Beach House. Can't wait for your reveal. Have a great day.

    Best Carolyn

  41. Oh my goodness...I am loving these colours together! Your inspiration board is so lovely!

    Oh I get that look in my eye every now and husband knows not to interfer...just redid our livingroom...once I have an idea there is no stopping me.

    Hugs my sweet friend. xoxo

  42. Michelle I love your bird inspired mood board, the colors are beautiful!

    And I can't wait to see your floors AND your kitchen. You are always re-arranging something girl!

    Kat :)

  43. Your mood boards are so inspiring and....well.... just fun!!! Hopefully life will calm down soon and I'll get a chance to play some too. Have a great week :D

  44. Love what inspires you.

    I can't wait to see your pillows.

  45. What a pretty mood board! Do you mind sharing what you use to create them?

    Rearranging is the norm around here :)

  46. Hi Michelle..
    Love the Galah.. we have them wild around my way... cute.. and noisy!! hehe.. Love your take on these colours too.. that aqua lounge is a beauty!!!

    Hope you have a lovely week... take care .. ciao xxxx Julie

  47. Love the mood board Michelle...You know me, that bird is close enough to Scarlet and Gray...thus mine would have been a Buckeye themed room, LOL!!! Can't wait to see that kitchen!

  48. I absolutely love your design board based on the rose breasted cockatoo! I could definitely step right in and live there!


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