Hello again my dears!
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. We were quite busy running all over for our daughters basketball both Saturday and Sunday and it was so fun to watch her play.
The weather has been rainy and icky and is even snowing as I am typing this. (Nothing is sticking though)
I hope and pray for those you that got caught up in all the severe storms around the states over the last couple of days are safe.
Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to a very sweet and very talented artist who happens to live in a very beautiful part of the world..
Raliegh from ArtbyRT
"Michelle has a nice beach feel in her decorating. One day while I was visiting her blog, she pointed out a perfect place in her dining room to hang a print. I emailed her to let her know that living on the island of Maui, I had done alot of seascapes.

There is a lot original artwork that is affordable. A lot of artists are willing to work a deal, especially if you’re buying more than one piece. Oil paintings are higher priced but save money on framing.
I happen to do watercolor so the framing is essential for protection of the art.

Though with some creative matting and framing, a small piece of work could be that added touch for a beautiful statement to a room. I do keep my work priced low and love trades and deals ...(my store is ArtbyRt)

Lahaina is my home where I live with my husband and two youngest girls.

My oldest daughter is married and teaches at a private Christian School where my girls attend. My son also lives in Lahaina. I search the shores for seaglass for my handmade jewelry and for beach scenes.

As a Pastor, my husband has an occasional wedding. My daughters and I fell in love with this couple from Finland. It was their dream to get married in Hawaii. To make their marriage legal, they married in Finland first. They remained chaste until their dream came true on Maui with a beach wedding. Lucky and beautiful bride, what a prince he really is."
Thank you so much Raliegh for allowing me to share your beautiful artwork, jewelry and photos! What a dream to be able to walk the shores in search of perfect beach glass and images that you can share not only through the camera lens but also at the end of your paintbrush.
Your artwork is truly gorgeous and inspiring!
Please stop by Raliegh's Etsy shop for more watercolor gorgeousness and more information!
You can also reach her at artbyrt@live.com if you have any questions about her jewelry.
Oh my goodness....her artwork is beautiful! And to live in Hawaii....what a dream:) Thanks for sharing this talented artist!!
How pretty! I guess if you live in Paradise you paint heavenly pictures.
Love that beach shot. Is it your husband that is a pastor Michelle? Thanks for sharing this today.
Very pretty art. You are lucky the snow isn't sticking - we have about 2 inches clinging to the ground ... back to the boots and North Face for today! I figure it could be worse - I'm going to embrace it!
Raliegh does beautiful work and sounds like a wonderful lady:)
Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos, Michelle. Great post!
Wow! These are so beautiful and descriptive!
Her jewelry is so unique and wonderfully handmade...love it!
And this love story..melts my heart xo
Hawaii...oh sweetie..in my dreams!!! :)
Love, love, love to you xo
Deborah xoxoxo
Watercolor paintings are so serene and Rallegh's work is beautiful! I'm an earrings kinda girl and these deliver. Lovely things! Sweet post...and sweet of you to share her with us!
Hope your weekend wasn't too crazy with sports. We were in the same boat with soccer.
Have a great week my friend!
What beautiful watercolors! Hawaii would provide some wonderful inspiration.
It's suppose to snow here tomorrow...not happy about that. I wish I was in Hawaii :(
Oh dearest, this is stunning. I think we all have BEACHES on the brain. Aoooooooo....do you know that we have SNOW in our forecast? I hope it does NOT move into your territory!!!!
If you have time, go to my TEAM BLOG NOWHERE...I animated a rat character that I draw and he is doing the hula...teeeeeheeeee....I have lost my mind, but that is how I deal with stress!
Absolutely gorgeous watercolors and jewelry and so sweet of you to feature this talented artist Michelle! I loved hearing her passion for what she does come through in her words and the story of that precious young couple. :-) And, my friend, I LOVED your "defining" your blog post and had to tell you that your desire and aim for it, is exactly what comes through every time I visit you here!
Just beautiful and so dreamy, I love the "Island House." She is one talented lady and so lucky to live in such a gorgeous area.
I love watercolors! Those are beautiful. Makes me wish I was in Hawaii, instead of preparing for 12-15 INCHES if snow tomorrow evening!!
I'm glad you had a fun weekend watching your daughter ☺
Hopefully the snow misses you...
Her work is just beautiful. That first picture is my favorite with the wonderful boats in it. I hope that one day I can visit Hawaii and their beautiful beaches. Thanks for sharing.
I love the way she captures the sea. I'm completely mesmerised by the paintings. I grew up on the South coast of England so maybe that's why I'm always drawn to seascapes.
Oh, how romantic to get married over there!!
We truly love Raliegh's art and I'm so glad to see her getting some more, and very well-deserved, attention. Beautifully put- together article, Michelle.
Lovely paintings!
Sorry to hear about the snow though, not exactly what you´d want now. :-(
All these compliments are going to my head! Thank you all very much! And thank you Michelle for letting my share my Sonshine:) My earrings aren't listed at my etsy store as an agreement with a retailer here, though if you pm me at artbyrt@live.com I'll send a you few images of what I have in stock.
Aloha Michelle!
What beauty...thanks for sharing with us!
Have a great week!
Truly Beautiful!
Wow she is an amazing artist!;) Thanks for introducing her~ Hugs,Rachel
French Farmhouse 425
Hi Michelle, how nice of you to feature her watercolors. They are lovely :) Been so busy - catching up on blogging as best as I can these days! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Raleigh, such beautiful watercolors and jewelry too! I'm certain there is plenty of inspiration there on the Island.
Michelle, thank you for sharing such wonderful art. Hope you have a great week, xxx tami
The art is so fresh and breezy. A beautiful post
Hey Hoola Girl! lol! What awesome work, RT does!! Wow! Luv that first pic! And that photo of the wedding couple....?? Gorgeous! Thanks for the inside scoop on such a talented artist! :)
xoxo laurie
How absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing Michelle and Raleigh.
I can't believe the weather you are having over there.
Wow, her artwork is so beautiful and so is her jewelry, thanks so much for the introduction! I'm off to visit her Etsy shop!
Kat :)
Wow! That shot of that beach wedding is sooo pretty!! Beautiful artwork!!
Everything is so lovely and I love that picture of the wedding. How romantic!
Wow! Thank you for featuring this talented lady! Her artwork is beautiful... she really captures the magic of the islands!
Hi Dear Michelle
These watercolours are delightful.. as you know I have a fondness for palm trees and the sea.. so I especially love the first..
I hope you are having a wonderful start to the week.. take care .. ciao ciao xxxx Julie
Beautiful, beautiful artwork. She paints from the heart! Thank you so much for featuring it here- Diana
beautiful watercolors, michelle! hawaii is so special to me and my family--our favorite place on earth in fact. the colors there are so lush and magical like these scenes.
thanks for sharing her work.
really beautiful paintings..i'd love to be able to paint like that!
cheryl x
That artwork...beautiful, just beautiful! I'm an earrings kind of girl. They are so pretty!
She is so talented!!! Thanks for featuring her!!!!
Hawaii, take me away!
Beautiful watercolors - the sea/ocean theme fits so well with your style and blog Michelle! Will have a closer look at her work, thank you for sharing. Hawaii is a place i'd like to visit one day. Hope you have a lnice time in your newly decorated house!
What beautiful work!! Thanks so much for sharing. Her jewelry is just stunning! Each piece could inspire an entire room :)
Hope you're having a great week
Thanks for showing us these absolutely gorgeous watercolors...wish I was in the market for one...
Gorgeous! She is so talented.
The photo of the bride and groom took my breath away.
What beautiful art. I just love watercolor. I'm heading to her Etsy when I am done here...
We spent this past Christmas in Hawaii. We spent Eve, Day and the 26th in Honolulu and flew to Maui until the 3rd of January. We stayed at the Serenity by the Sea in Lahaina! It was a great house and Lahaina is centrally located to just about everything. We had such a good time we are going back next summer. Thanks for all of the pretty aloha shots!
Wow, now that is one talented lady! Thank you for the momentary escape to the islands! I always look forward to your blogs!
Simply breathtaking. Love her art. Just gorgeous pieces.
Very beautiful - I love her artistic view of Hawaii.
Her artwork is so beautiful! She is very talented! :) I love every piece you showed...
I hope you are doing well, and having a good week! :)
Love the water colors!
and I love beach glass too! I'm from MI and have relatives in the U P and they have lots of beach glass there. It is so cool
Oh, my, she is a poet with her paint brush, isn't she!? Wonderful work, if only I could paint like that! Thanks for sharing Michelle!
I love, Love, love reading your blog ! so nice photos, so nice ideas, so nice decoration....
Thank you for sharing. The watercolor paintings are beautiful! I will be checking out her etsy shop.
Take care,
Hi lovely girl,
I was thinking about you today (weirdo alert!!) and I wondered whether you ever make any of your jewellery any more. And your frames? I remember last year that you decided to cut right back on them. Has that worked out okay?
I love these watercolors.
I happened upon you blog as I was looking for a good memoir. You have made a very good start here. I'll be back for more.
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