Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut?
I have to tell you that I have had this feeling for a bit now and it is really starting to irritate me!
I feel like I lost my mojo.
It could be because I ran myself silly with back to back projects during the winter; or maybe because I don't have enough time in the day to start and complete anything; or this rainy, sunless weather we have been having (although yesterday and today were really nice);
or perhaps I am just so far behind in everything I am not even sure where to start??
Anyway, I haven't been doing much of anything lately due to the above but I did manage to find a few sea treasures to go around the house.
I purchased some sea fans from Beach Grass Cottage the other day and I LOVE them.....

I love what they add to the room.
They are just so beautiful.

I also purchased a couple oars from my favorite antique store and hung one in the family room above the front door...

and the other in the kitchen above my work-in-progress gallery wall.

I still need some pictures. I have them, just too lazy to put them in.
Sad, I know.
I am loving the yellow with the white and grays in the kitchen.
Oh, I don't think that I told you that I painted the bottom cupboards the same gray as the trim in the family room. I think I told you that I was going to do that on Spring Break, which I did, but never showed you.
I haven't put the knobs back on yet, and that was what, a month ago?
Still sad, I know.
We also have this...

the TV cabinet that is partially painted.
This one is not my fault though. :)
I have been asking hubby to take the TV and DVD player out so I can finish painting and he has not done that yet.
Hopefully soon cause it looks silly. :)
Sorry this is so boring, I really have not done much of anything other than catching up on cleaning and running kids all over.
I did get out in the garden today which was really nice and raked leaves and started to at least clean up the winter mess.
But, it is supposed to rain for the rest of the week.
Maybe that will force me to finish up some little things around here........
Sometimes life gets in the way of things maybe the weekend will bring about the opportunity for you to catch up and even leave a lil room to relax.Have a good week Michelle~ PS we got the list update in a few days.(nervous)
I know exactly how you feel. If there isn't anything too urgent that needs to be done, don't sweat it. Sometimes when we feel like this we feel guilty like we should be delivering. I find if I can't push through it, I know it's my body telling me to slow down. I hope you're feeling back to your old self soon.
Your home looks so lovely. Just enjoy it and take a bit of time to be proud of what you've already accomplished.
Hugs to my dear friend.
oh i love the sea fans!!! gorgeous! i love your whole home. and ya know what, sometimes it is ok to just step away, take a break, and rejuvenate. you will come back ready for projects! and we'll still be here!
Hi Michelle~
I think your home is so beautiful, and you have been really busy on it and done so much on it! It is probably just you needing a break! :) I know I get into slumps like this, too...Don't worry~ you'll get your mojo back! (AndI think the rain definitely can hinder our motivation~ at least it does that for me.)
By the way, I love the oar you hung in your family room, and think the TV cabinet is looking great so far!
I hope you have a good night, my friend! How was your Easter? I hope it was a wonderful one! :)
Don't be so hard on yourself! You're a mom with kids at home. Do you think I had all this time when I was in your shoes? That would be no! So you become overwhelmed due to all you want to get done. Just take a deep breath, go out and smell the roses or lavender or whatever. And your mojo will return. I promise.
I know just how you feel Michelle! I have those days too. Know that you're not alone. Tomorrow is a new day. I hope things get back on track soon!
Well, it certainly is a gorgeous rut,Michelle! The sea fans are enchanting.
As for the 'rut' - maybe your spirit is just telling you its time to rest. You've been doing so much...a quiet time may be in order :)
the weather definitely affects me too.. i don't mind a couple of grey days but when it goes on and on it's depressing! i'm sure some fine weather is on the way to your part of the world. your home is looking gorgeous and i love the sea fans!
cheryl x
I think blogging in general puts one in a rut on and off. There is so much we think is expected. I have been thinking a lot recently about it. And have also felt this way, as I have so much to do Michelle. But I have to say this regarding your home...all that you do is inspiring, and beautiful.
I think we have to sit back and make sure we're doing this for "us" and not the blog. And always take a few days or more if needed to break away from blogland. We'll still be here, not to worry. xxx tami
Love your finds Michelle! Hey and you arent the only one feeling that way~ I am feeling the same!! ;) Hugs,Rachel
French Farmhouse 425
The fans are so pretty them!
And I hear you hun...
sometimes its just hard to get up and going again..but you're right, you have gotten so much done through the last few months...maybe your body just wants a rest :)
I love your oars..they are perfect with all your decor!
My hubby found two in the used boat he purchased in the summer and he just told me about them a few weeks my mind is working, wondering..where to put them :)
And its rain for the week here too're in good least maybe itll get rid of the dirt and bring some blooms forth :)
I love the shelving and all your whites look gorgeous!!
Still loving your wood floors too!!
Hugs & smiles!!
Deborah xoxoxoxoxo
I feel ya sista!! I'm in the same rut. I feel like it's the weather. Like it's never going to warm up!
I love the sea fans!!! I just had one framed for a client and it looks awesome! I'm hoping to get my own soon!
Just keep chuggin :) Inspiration will come soon enough!
I love the oars and see fans. You will be inspired soon. Nothing can keep you down for long. I have some frames that would be perfect on your gallery wall. I need to send them to you. You will have to give me your address again.
I'm feeling the same way right now! I don't have any energy to do anything around the house! I am pillow burnt out!! I am sure it will return- the weather is killing me! Sooo cloudy!
Oh friend, you just put into words EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately! The weather is totally getting to me too. I tackled some big projects but then ran out of steam so much so that I can't even do simple things. And I look at things that I need to get done, bigger projects and think "why bother?" cause by the time I drag out all my supplies I will just need to put them all away again. Sigh...I guess misery loves company though right? LOL! I'm realizing that this up and down is just kinda the way life is though you know? Anyway, just know that you aren't alone and I think you blow us all away with how much you accomplish! :-)
The sea fans are so delicate and the dark color perfect. They are beautiful. I would like to have some. I plan on painting some too. The weather can really cause you to feel that way. When the sunshine returns you will feel better I think. Going outdoors into nature, even if it is just to walk down a quiet path, helps me. Slow down and breath...there is beauty around you.
The weather can really affect my moods, too. A pretty & sunny day can really put a spring in my step. I have found myself getting antsy about consistant mild weather to begin, but keep reminding myself that a little cold & rain is the norm around here until May'ish. Your home is so beautiful! And you have worked so hard to get it that way - kudos! :) Your sea fans are beautiful!!
Totally feeling you girl!! We have had rain every day for about 2 weeks now...I'm about to go insane!! Its supposed to rain the rest of the week here as well! Not only is it depressing, but it leaves me feeling tired & unmotivated!! Then I end up feeling guilty because my projects aren't getting done & I know that my readers are expecting me to post something CUTE!
Anyway...I think its normal for you to feel this way...I know I do from time to time. Don't worry about your projects...they will always be there waiting on you!!
On a side note...I love your new oars & your sea fans! They add the perfect touches to your decor!! Here's to a better week! ((Hugs))
I know the feeling. We've had quite a bit of rainy, gray days. It can eat at your mojo. I love the sea fans. Wow, do they pop! If you are really bored... you could help me make a plank wall in our bedroom :) You've done so much in a short amount of time. I think it's time to just enjoy it.
I sprayed the cabinet fronts, today. I'm so excited to get them hung but we don't have hardware, yet. Jeff is going out of town so I'm stuck putting them on alone. Yay, ME! Haha!
Hope you have a wonderful night, sweet girl!
I certainly hear you, I have been having my own rut lately. I have orders for signs coming in and no desire to paint them, I love to paint but only when I have the "inspired" moments. I don't enjoy it as a "job". I want it to be for 'me', my get away and not because I have to. But, since we are not working right now I do not have the luxury of turning down anything that pays. "sigh" Tomorrow is another day, and don't think you have to perform for blogland, we will come back to visit whenever you are here.
Sorry that you are not happy and in a rut...I get in one a lot and it's no fun...hope it gets better for you soon...a little sunshine would be nice! Lovin' all your new beach decor...looks outstanding.
You did so many awesome projects the last few months, that I think it is natural to slow down for a while. Your mind and body need a vacation.
BTW, I never get tired of seeing your plank wall in the kitchen. I have to go hunt for the post were you showed how you did that!
Oh, you sweet girl -- it's okay to take some downtime...we ALL need it from time to time. Learning to give yourself permission for "you" time will help in gaining simplicity in your life.
Trust me, anything you write about is NEVER boring to your loyal readers. We'll be here ready to read when you feel like your mojo has returned. We all love you so much, Michelle.
Big hugs to you!!
You've done so much lately, you deserve a little quiet time for just you and your family! And if you want to feel better about un-done projects, just remember that I still don't have a backsplash in my kitchen almost 2 years later...and I own the tile!!!
Feel better and have a great week!
Kat :)
Stunning! I'm in love with those wooden frames! So pretty! Hope you get your mojo back soon! :D
Oh Michelle, I know just how you feel...I've been feeling the same. I think it's all the dreary weather. I feel so much better when the sun is out.
Your home is looking so pretty! I can't believe all that you get done. It's okay to take a breather once in awhile, you know. Look at me, I haven't even posted about my daughter's room that I first talked about, when...January? LOL
Hugs ♥ Tricia
What about me...I was almost finished with my girls bathroom months and months ago and promised to post when finished...heehee, not finished yet! Don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing what's really important...being a mommy. It's hard to juggle everything. By the way your house looks so pretty. Love where you put your new ores :)
I know what you´re talking about - I still haven´t started at our bedroom which I planned to a long time ago... But I can´t seem to get the right gear in, plus I´ve had so much else to do... Oh well, in time it will be done... :-)
Sounds like spring fever... maybe the rain will let up soon and you'll see the sunshine :) I know what you mean about getting stuck in ruts - hang in there!
I do love your home, the white with all those lovely textures and your picture gallery and oars look wonderful... hope you get your mojo back, I think we have all been there, maybe set aside a day to finish all those annoying little jobs?
You made me laugh, re your tv stand, I did exactly the same painted it and I'm still waiting for hubby to move telly to paint the top and that was almost a year ago!x
Michelle- Ruts stink. Rain only seems gloomy from the inside. With an umbrella and some boots it's not too bad at all from the outside.
Your house looks gorgeous. Drop dead pretty and real life, too.
Hi Michelle
I know that rut.. I think I've been in it a few months.. and I know that rain too... normally i like rain but it has been endless over this way..
Love your oars and sea fans.. beautiful.. xxx Julie
Good morning beautiful one! EVERYONE feels like this on occasion, and yes, the weather has a lot to do with is 5:00am here and it is raining...but I hear that this rain WE are having is turning to.......SNOW later on! WHAT IN THEE SAM HILL? teeeheeee.....oh dearest Michelle, your home looks wonderful. There will be a day soon, if not NOW, to just sit back quietly and enjoy it. So you aren't DOING anything right now....GOOD! SAVOR THE STILLNESS! A thought or idea just might come to you while you are still. I am thinking of you, Anita
Looks beautiful! I've been in a rut for quite some time now.....just praying things will level out one day! Hang in there!!
I love all of your new additions and I really really love your house. It always makes me so happy to see what you are doing or have done:) I know the rut feeling,but keep pushing on and remember to look at the little things that give you joy. LOVE YOU!
Don't worry about the rut - think of it as a mental vacation! Something will come along and kick you in the butt and get the creative juices flowing (doesn't that sound kinda weird??) Oh well - take care and your place looks fabulous!
I think we all get in that rut at one time or another. I am right now as well. But I know it will quickly turn around. Love the pics of your home. I'll take a few of those pitchers off your hands. :)
I could so live here it's comfortable, neat and it looks like there is lots of love there.
oh dear! mojo's can unfortunately be a little laid-back sometimes. but they always spring back again once they've had their little rest. i'm sure yours will be full of beans again soon.
your home is soooo beautiful!
take care, sweetie
warmest hugs
You certainly are not alone. A lot of people have been in a rut. I know I have. Hang in there. Your mojo hasn't gone far!
Darlin, Everyone feels like this from time to time. I have felt this way since January when I lost my job. Don't be so hard on yourself. Things get done when they get done, Your home is beautiful and you have accomplished so much in a short period of time. Hugs to you my friend it will return. xoxo
Oh yes, I think you just described me to a T. lol! I feel like a deer caught in headlights...just dazy lately. I hope it goes away soon...for me and you! :)
Michelle you have not lost your mojo.
Every year around this time, when the weather gets nicer and life gets a bit busier I feel the same way. I am not as focused as I should be on projects and feel out of it. But I think it is just a natural way to step aside for a bit and re~energize and soak up new inspiration!
And when you do, you'll wow us with some new beauty! Sit and relax for now and enjoy the beauty you've already created!
You've been transforming your home into a wonderful coastal oasis..., now you deserve to rest and do nothing..., and from there new mojo will start flowing again..., at least that's how it works for me.
LOL! You poor girl! Of COURSE you ran out of mojo! You were the Energizer Bunny all winter long and now you just need some rejuicing! lol! You have done so very much to your awesome home, Michelle! It looks like something out a mag, girl! Love the combination of gray, brown, and white. Right up my alley! :)'s hoping that come May 1, the jet stream will change and will give us a reprieve the rest of the season. ♥ We're dyin' to get outside and do some projects, too!
xoox laurie
I've been in a bit of a crafty rut myself. Take time for you. Just relax. The room looks so lovely and inviting!
You are NEVER boring! I always love admiring your newest finds! Your home is prettier than any magazine spread! If the weather has been like ours you haven't had many days to open thoe windows & let the fresh air flow through :) Hopefully VERY SOON! Hope you are having a great week!!!
Would it make you feel any better to know you are making much more progress then what is going on around here. Hmmm like the front screen door removed to get repaired last year still hasn't been dropped off yet.
Did you say you're in a rut? Wait a minute, let me look around and see if you're in the same one as me! Perhaps we both need a mojito to get our mojo going again!
I have to admit though, that you've gotten a LOT of projects done, it's always those last few details that seem to take forever, don't you think?
I'll tell you the same thing one of my blogging friends said in a comment to me today. It was the parting words to her from a 91-year-old woman she had met on the beach the other day. "Enjoy every sunset."
Hey you-
Happy Late Easter :)
I hope the sun shines soon for you! You have no idea how it affects me...I guess that is why I have never left San Diego :)
Your pictures are gorgeous!
Smiles and love to you
Been there! Usually when I get feeling like I don't care about anything, it means I'm coming down with a cold or flu. Sorry, I hope I didn't sent you bad "vibes".
And I know the feeling about getting overwhelmed by your to do list. I have been so busy trying to get one project totally finished, that it just hit me today as a matter of fact that, hey, I can take pictures and post of the "in progress" work I'm doing to a room. If I wait until a room is total finished in this house, I could be waiting a l o n g time, since I finish rooms as I find "treasures" at thrift stores. So that means that I'm usually working on bits and pieces of several rooms at a time. And you know what? That's ok.
you are anything but boring, my friend!
your photography and styling are brilliant here! and i love your 'tude. really. how refreshing to find such honesty mixed with humor.
Good morning precious! Oh Michelle, seeing YOU always makes me smile! I have always been a happy and early riser, but since blogging, I am even happier to come to my computer before working out and getting ready for the day. We had rain last night again, and the sky is churning with clouds and rain. BUT FLOWERS WILL APPEAR SOON and May is just around the corner. I am so relieved for so many reasons!!! Have a splendid day my dear friend! Anita
Hello my dear friend, love your living room decor and the fans. Oh and the ores-I still haven't broken down and bought some-I keep telling myself maybe I can find some on the beach or something. Yes, I;m cheap. I think once the nice weather starts and you've been to the beach you will perk up. No need to stress.
I felt like I was in a rut with my living room...but having a party soon is getting my creativity going. I love your sea fans. Amazing.
I can sympathize with your rut. I think that once this dreary weather clears, and we can enjoy sunshine and blue skies, all will be well again!
Your house looks beautiful! I can't wait until we have our own house to decorate. I will definitely be stealing some of your ideas;)
Hope you are having a great week!
Your mojo will return, this happens to all of us. I know I got it early on the year. It went overnight....dont know how. I am sure this will happen to you too.
Dear Michjelle - all your pix are so beautiful - and you've done such a GREAT job on your house. Maybe you just need a lil tiny break ... have a chocolate cupcake and paint your toenails in pink - Mojo will return! Hugs for a lovely day!
I know all about being in rut!! It does pass...but I don't like it when I feel that way!
Thanks so much for your kind words on my last post:)
and ps....I'm having a little give-away on my blog! Stop on over if you have a minute:)
I have been too Michelle! The time just seems to be flying by and I never seem to realize it. You know I am envious of those oars, still haven't found any wonderful ones here. I think I'll do a little online browsing over at Beach Grass Cottage. I need a little inspiration and I love the sea fan.
I think we all go thru the I-think-I-lost-my-mojo stage. It'll come back, you'll see. :) LOVE the beach fans.
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