I am joining Tracy at Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures Sunrise, Sunset or Sun Flare Photo Party today.
I shared these photos before but I thought that they would fit right in with her party. :)

This sunset over Lake Michigan was taken last summer,
I only lightened a bit in Picnik.

A bit of Sun flare down at the marina.
I just added a bit of color and edited it with Picnik.
One day I will get Photoshop and learn how to use all the yummy textures and actions.
I love the colors in the first photo...so soothing, makes me long for the beach.
What gorgeous photos. You have such a knack for beauty in all you do. I really love both of your photos. They are so calming.
I love the sun with all the sailboats. Pretty!
Sweetie I love these photos...the angle you took them from adds a really interesting look to them as well as how beautiful they are!
Lake Michigan is gorgeous !!!
Its got me itching for summer..more and more!
Love to you xoxo
Deborah xoxoxoox
guess what? i just viewed this post at sunset! honest! now tell me that is not divine?????
hope this finds you well, my beachy friend. your blog is such a relaxing diversion from the grind...
Great photos...Love the marina one.
Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment.
Blessings Kelsie
They are beautiful Michelle, especially love the first one.
Gorgeous photos. The marina photo is amazing.
No matter how old one gets, no matter how busy, Sun Sets are still breath taking. It's what I love about God's creations. xxx tami
What beautiful shots. I like the angle of the first shot. The sailboat shot has some really pretty flare. The boat is nice too :)
This is a great shot Michelle the view from the sand ...perfect!
I just got home from my meeting and stopped by to see your beautiful sunset and sun flare photos! And yes, you NEED photoshop, you would love it!
Kat :)
What pretty photos Michelle. I love the beach :)
nice photos!
near the end of our walk last night, we witnessed a gorgeous sunset with similar colors across the lake - the mountains were a dark blueish purple with lots of dark pink, it was SO pretty!
Gorgeous photos! I say, quit your day job :) Love the one of the marina! :D
Gorgeous! The first photo takes my breath away.
Pretty Pretty pictures my dear!
Fresh Fresh Fresh! That is what I see :) Gorgeous photos! I really do get a fresh sense when I see them!
I still need to figure tghat sun flare thing out! I should work on it before we head to the ocean this summer!
Holiday feeling - i smell the ocean and feel the breeze! Have a fab day Michelle!
We love our Lake Michigan ,don't we? Beautiful photos! xxoo Diana
Beautiful photos, my friend! Gorgeous, just like you :O)
Gorgeous sunset pictures. So pretty over the water. I am missing California right now....still rainy and cold in New England.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a good week.
Terrific photos! Sorry I've been missing, viruses and a trip of Island have prevented me from commenting.
I hope you don't mind I post this scientific discovery here, as photos are art! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-news/8500012/Brain-scans-reveal-the-power-of-art.html Aloha Raliegh
I am a TOOOOOOOOTAL fan of sunsets. Total fan. I could stare and stare at them. In fact, I do. I squeeze every last drop of loveliness out of the views I see.
Nothing quite compares to a Lake Michigan sunset (I'm pretty partial though;)) Gorgeous pictures, as usual, Michelle! I wish I had your knack for photography...my sunsets never quite turn out.
Enjoy the warmth!! I hope you have a fabulous week friend!
beautiful beautiful photos!
Hi I love your shots. I am just learning to edit as well.
And thanks for christening me BHG. I assume you mean Beach House Girl. I love it.
Best Carolyn
Oh I am catching the sunbeams in my arms dearest! Off to work now, Anita
Oh how I LOVE Lake Michigan. We practically lived at Ottawa Beach in the summer. Sitting in the dunes and watching the sunsets was the BEST!
Thank you for sharing, and bringing back memories.
Hi Michelle, it's long time since I visited you.. my connection is bad and slow and I can't see many pics in blogs but I love this sunset photo and the things I could see here. Thank you so much!
What beautiful photos. I'm glad blogger is working again :-)
Enjoy your weekend!
So, Michelle...thanks for making me smile and dream every single time I pass by you....
There's something in your pictures, in your words, in this atmosphere that makes me feel absolutely good.
Maybe..it depends on..you?!?!??
Love those shot Michelle, and I swear I can almost feel the sand in my toes!!!
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