Today I am joining the lovely Tricia over at A Rosy Note for her Photo Feature Friday. This weeks theme is vintage and I thought of something special that I had and wanted to try and see if I could join in the fun. :)
This is my grandpa's pocket watch.

I can only remember a small point in his life that he carried it with him but he often spoke of time and time being on his side.
He started many stories with "What a wonderful time it was."
He was a patient man and I can remember him saying to us often when we were growing up "That in good time......."
I also remember that as he got older he would tell us "When it is my time...."
Time can mean so many things to us, it can work with us and it can work against us.
It is the one of the only things that we know stays consistent.
Here are a few quotes that caught my eye and gave me something to think about...
"In good times and bad times, I'll be on your side for ever more...that's what friends are for."
"We all have time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams."
"Time is a like a handful of sand-the tighter you grasp it,the faster it runs through your fingers."

"How long a minute is, depends on which side of the bathroom that you are on"
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you" - Carl Sandburg

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. I will not be around much this weekend or next week, so please forgive me for being a bit late on things.
Next week we are taking a day trip to go up north with my mom, my future SIL and her mom to look at some wedding things and possibly stopping at few places to sample a bit of wine.
YEAH! :)
I love it up there and I so excited that my brother and future SIL chose to get married there.
The wedding is not until September but girls need to plan right?!
Hugs to all of you!!
I love those quotes, and what a wonderful keepsake from your Grandpa - good memories. Have a great time away.
Those were some great quotes. Have fun on your trip and take care.
Beautiful photos (don't know how you made them look like that) and beautiful sentiments. Have a fun and safe trip!
What a lovely post! both the photos and the quotes. Have a wonderful time on your daytrip!!
A lot of sage wisdom in those quotes! And a lovely photo to accompany them. Have fun and be safe.
Love your shots and what you said always have great perspective and verbalize and photolize(made that word up) it so well!
Michelle- What lovely photos! And teh story about your Gramps is great. I think there are those of us that have a real sense of the passage of time...I can remember thinking about time since I was a child! Great post~ xxoo Diana
what a very sweet post!!! thanks for sharing. have fun this weekend- happy mother's day, friend!
Sweet post and stunning pics. Great job. I hope you do get away. Sounds like fun!
gorgeous photos!
cheryl x
Your thoughts on "time" were very thought provoking, and the memories of your Grandpa special.
I love your photos and that pocket watch.
Oh hunny I hope you have the most wonderful'll be good to have some time away!!!
Im so happy for you xoxo
Deborah xoxo
Beautiful... beautiful quotes and pocket watch from your grandfather! What a special thing to have. I cherish those things that were passed down by family. Really love the time machine quote with taking us back to our memories and forward with our dreams. Not sure what time means to me these days. Just wish I had more of it. Hope you have a great weekend and day trip. My dad always says a car full of women is like chicken in a hen house :)
chickens... plural. LOL
Have fun!
A lovely post with great pics! Have an awesome time away!
Oh, I love this post Michelle. What a beautiful old pocket watch...I bet you treasure it. You sure found some great favorite is the time machine one. Have fun on your little getaway! Thanks for sharing your wonderful post a Photo Feature Friday :)
hugs ♥ tricia
How great! I love wine being able to sample is fun.Have fun visiting your family!
Your photos are lovely and I enjoyed the quotes and what your grandfather had to say about time!
Beautiful photos, inspiring quotes, and sweet memories, Michelle. ♥'re not driving....are you???? hehe!
xoxo laurie
I love the memories, photos and quotes. Just beautiful.
Now I can see where you got your lovely nature and insight from. This is a lovely post. Enjoy your day trip. Sounds like lots of memories to be made in the near future. Have a great weekend
Best Carolyn
That is a gorgeous picture! And, I love all those quotes! It reminds me of how important my TIME with my two young boys is. By the way, I did create a different layout/button/header for my blog. Just trying to clean it up and simplify a bit =) Thank you for the nice comments =)
What a great picture and enjoyable post:) Thanks for sharing it with us. i am I visiting from A Rosy Note.
Lovely photos here!!
So glad to have found you to follow!
Your pictures are so pretty Michelle. Love how you processed them. So true that time can mean so many different thing. I really hope you have a wonderful trip. Sounds like a lot of fun. Where up north are you going?
That is a lovely watch and I love how you remember him! Time is an interesting thing, isn´t it?! Enjoy your trip, hugs! :-)
I love these pictures and your stories! Thank you for your nice compliments today.
Oh what a beautiful treasured Heirloom your Grand-Dad's pocket watch is and you've photographed it so well, I love close-ups like this... and with such a great Story!
Dawn... The Bohemian
Hello you,
I've never used a texture in my life so I'm always super-impressed with seeing yours!! Really and truly, one of these days I'm going to have to sit down and look inot it ...but until then I'll just admire yours!!
Good morning sweet friend. This is a lovely and timely post for me!!!!! How time is such a wonderful thing; it can be measured but it cannot be stopped. In our physical world, it spins on and eternity, there will be so sense of it. Let us make the best of what we have now! Oh how perfect this is for me today. Love to you, Anita
Sweet time quotes Michelle, I love the last one! Have fun wedding planning!
I love those photos! I could spend hours on the same photo changing it up with piknic editing.
Thanks for the comment about the bookshelves!
Have a great day!
Great post! have a great time away friend!
XOXO Linda
What a sweet post Michelle. Your grandpa sounds like such a neat man and how nice that you have a little treasure that reminds you of him. Love the quotes.
Happy mother's day weekend!
Awesome photo my friend! Have a great time traveling and sipping vino! Happy Mothersday.
Hi Michelle!
Love these quotes, especially the time machine one!
Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day!!
Michelle, those are beautiful pictures! AND I enjoyed reading your time quotes, too. I am glad you have something so special to remember your grandpa by. :)
I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom and future sister-in-law! It sounds like so much fun! Happy Mother's Day to you, too! :)
Have fun and stay safe, my friend!
Wonderful post! Every single word, the time machine quote is already in my file, LOVE it!
Happy Mother's Day to you, have a great trip!
Hello friend! What a lovely, lovely post! My hubby has his grandfather's pocket watch and looks forward to passing it along to our son someday...maybe a wedding day? Not that I'm eager for that "time" to come by a long shot!:-)
It sounds like you have some wonderful days ahead of you and I hope it is super restful and full of fun memory making moments. Have a blessed Mother's Day!
Love your vintage time piece and texture
Such a lovely post Michelle, words and picture, all speaks to me! Cheers to you you lovely mum, have a fun weekend, with breakfast served in bed and all ;)
Beautiful pictures, Michelle! Love the bathroom quote, haha. Enjoy your "time"!
Lovely pictures of the watch. Beautifully done.
What a lovely thing to have! Memories are so precious. And as people pass on, they are so important to remember!
This post is gorgeous and I love what you did to the photographs - a beautiful tribute to your grandfather. We'll miss you while your busy and gone but I'm happy your getting to spend some quality time with your mom.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mothers Day Michelle~
Love ya!
Have a great trip! And Happy Mother's Day!
Beth x
Take your time and have a lovely trip :)
Beautiful! Love the yellow!
Such a lovely post. Enjoy your time away!
Oh what a lovely post...your images are lovely and such wonderful quotes.
Enjoy your time away my friend....hugs for a great Mother's Day! xoxoxoxo
Have a fun girlie trip;) I love wedding plans!!
Thank you for thinking of me this week:) It means a lot to me to have a friend who cares. I have been making A LOT of cakes this week, so my posting has been zero. I am hoping, since the weather appears (I shouldn't jinx it) to have turned a corner, that I can start on my furniture projects.
Have a great weekend!!
Michelle- That is a beautiful watch, and such beautiful memories, too.
p.s. I am giving away one of Ryan's inventions on APPLESandRUBIES, stop by!
What a lovely post...I actually stopped by because I read about you and the wonderful thing you did for Cricket...You are her angel...I clicked on your link there and viola! Here I love it here...I am now a new follower... Apparently, we have a few things in common...I clicked on the pink table, as I am a 16 year breast cancer survivor. After clicking I see the global race participation badge...I also am participating in t he Global RFTC!
I am Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink
Great post, great quotes, and I love your grandpa's pocket watch :-)
I enjoyed your post about your outside view too. You know what I noticed in your view? Trees :-) Something we have very little of around here. How I'd love to have more!
We don't have much in the way of landscape either, but we have to water like crazy just to get anything to grow. I have had fun tending my little garden though.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY dear friend, and has the winter chill finally left you? We had the PERFECT DAY yesterday, starting with a fabulous community yard sale in Bryn Mawr, a sweet little corner of Minneapolis with nothing but darling cottages and great gardens. THEN I CAME HOME with some treasures (I FOUND THE SIDEBOARD I WANTED) and I painted it immediatly! GRAY! And then I gardened to my heart's delight but my back's agony, but I am feeling good. God bless you today as you celebrate with your children and loved ones!!!! Anita
I forgot to say last time that I hope you have a really brilliant time with your girlies....especially the wine-sampling!!! ;-)
Happy Mother's Day to you too!! I love the quote about which side of the bathroom you're on. So true. Thanks so much for sharing! Hope you have a fabulous day!
Lovely photos.. I love the quote about memories and dreams, I'm going to tell my children that one .. Hope you had a great Mothers Days Michelle x
Love this post and the vintagey photos to go with it... Time is such a strange concept, isn't it? Sometimes it drags on, while other times it goes to fast...
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