Hello loverlies!!
I hope you had a great weekend!
I had a
Why you ask?
Well because of these two beautiful ladies..
Laurie from Heaven's Walk and Debbie from The Lakehouse.
We met up in a near by town that hosts a large Flea Market on the last Sunday of the summer months.
It was a PERFECT day.

We joked about how we would find each other and Laurie told me that she would be the one holding the "CRASH" sign.....
She wasn't joking! :)
Of course we forget to take the photo of the sign, but it was funny!
"Crash" would be because of all the wonderful things that I listed in a post a while ago that I have backed into with my car. :)
Do you ever feel like you know someone the moment you meet?
That is how it felt, like we have been friends for a long time, yes, we talk online a lot but just having that feeling of knowing someone and feeling comfortable is a great feeling.
And the two of them have been friends for a long time, sisters separated at birth I believe I was told. :)
I loved it!
And can I just say that they are
and so sweet and so much fun to shop with and just be around.
And let me tell you,
these ladies know how to shop!!! :)

Laurie purchasing her grain sack runner.
(love the couch too)

Debbie scored a beautiful birdcage.

Laurie found this beautiful door. She was trying to decide if it would fit in her front door but after talking with hubby, they decided that it may not fit and not worth the risk.
We also tried talking her into wash tubs for either beverages or flowers (I should have taken a picture of one) but no go.
Don't worry there is next month!!

Ok, if you have not tried fried pickles you are missing out my friends!!!
There are DELICIOUS!!!
Don't ya love how they set up our little table with Lauries pot and napkins?!
They are such bloggers!!! ;)
They both scored some really beautiful things so you have to go check out their stash when they post about it!
I picked up a few things, not too much since I am leaving on vacation soon, but I managed to score these little beauties!

A gorgeous aqua ladder that has the perfect distressing and worn look.
A kitchen scale that I have been looking for, only $10!
Beautiful aqua bottles that look like sea glass.
One of the bottles had some kind of iridescent material on it. I tried to take a photo below but it was hard to get it to sparkle.

I also picked up two little swans, I love swans.
There was a beautiful swan there that was made out of paper mache that looked like wood but it was $34!
Really?? $34!!!
Oh well, maybe next month.

My scale found a home on the kitchen counter.

mmmmmm, perfect colors!!
I found a home for the ladder as well but it is raining today and dark in the part of the kitchen that it is so I will have to show you another time.
The bottles found a spot in my bedroom on the the mantel, again too dark to get nice pictures but I did have fun with this picture.
The tag is one that Laurie made for me, they are so cute!
much Laurie and Debbie for a special day, I loved meeting you and I look forward to next month!!!!!
Well my friends, this is my last post for a couple weeks.
We are headed to Glen Lake and internet up there is not-so-much.
SO, I will see you in a bit and I hope you all have a wonderful time and
Happy 4th of July!!!!
I will miss you!!
p.s. I will be guest posting at 3 Sun Kissed Boys while I am out but I will let you know what day I will be there. :)
Sounds like the three of you had an awesome today shopping...love that kitchen scale...ladder and those beautiful bottles...don't forget to share them at my NTT party later today. Hope you have a wonderful time at the lake:)
You are all so cute...wish I could come up and shop with y'all!!
sounds like you had a blast! Isn't amazing how blog friendships develop! So happy for you that you had this fun day.
Michelle That is just the best, and I can see you all had so much fun!! I love your swans and green bottles!! Great Terrific finds!
Art by Karena
I have a New, very fashionable Giveaway on my site! Come and enter!
Oh sweetie, what a beautiful day you had!!!
And to meet up with your friends..heavenly!!
Im so glad everyone had such a wonderful time!!
Look at what you found hunny!!!
I love, love, love..no..adore that aqua ladder!!
It is beautiful..just as it is!
And your scale and those bottles...so beautiful!!
The swans are so sweet!!
What a day to remember and treasure!!
Sweetie you know Im so excited for you...it'll be here before we know it!!
You all look so gorgeous!!! :)
Love you to pieces!! xoxoxo
All my love,
Deborah xoxo
OK! I have to know where that flea market is!?!?!?!?
That looks like so much fun!!! And I love what you brought home:) Just perfect!
what an awesome weekend!!! so nice to have bloggy friends you can meet up with!
Wow, it sounds great to meet up with people you meet blogging. It's true, you learn so much about each other it must be like meeting a long lost friend.
I found a great idea you could use those bottles for. Take a look at the 8th photo on post:
Hi Doll. I love your finds, you did great! So glad you had fun. You are right we WILL have fun when we get together! Can't wait for the day! I hope you and your family have the most wonderful vacation. Talk to you when you get back.
How wonderful it is to be able to meet up with bloggy friends!! I met up with a friend at a flea market not too long ago and it was the same for us - like we had been friends forever!!
Love the ladder and the scale...I'll be starting on my kitchen soon and will be looking for a scale like that too! :))
Have a wonderful vacation!!
Hello there, what is better than friends and shopping!Love your finds especially since they are in my favorite hues. Have a great time at the lake and relax for me. Cheers
Michelle, how fun was that!!! sounds super fun! I bet you ladies had a great time shopping. Looks like you came home with some great stuff. I'm glad you had fun. enjoy your vacation.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time dear friend!! Love the chippy blue ladder!!!
Have a great, wonderful and blessed time on your vacation!
And thank you dear heart for your sweet and kind words, I have placed them in my heart!
Must be such fun to meet up with bloggy friends! And i love the things you bought - turquoise always catches my eye, so pretty! Have a great time in vacation!
Oh how fun!! I'm only a teeny bit jealous that you got to meet some other bloggers! :-) But mostly I am thrilled for you that you got that chance and that you all found such great treasures. Enjoy your time away my friend! I hope and pray it is sweet and relaxing and full of memories!
Hi Michelle!
I wish I could have crashed your flea party! I just love Laurie "Heavens Walk" what a lady to be in company with, Of course Deb is a doll as well. It looks like you found some treasures, I too found a mini step ladder much like one for a child it is so petite! It is a natural finish and I was going to post it but I finished the wedding cake bird house and got to work at posting it.
Thank you dearest LADY "M" for your beautiful comment! and so getting where I come from when I create. My daughter said Mom save it for when I get married someday and put it on a post and hang one of your hand painted signs from the post that points with the word wedding and a bird perched on it. So I will keep the wedding cake and use it for bridal fairs and a loaner to friends who so want a garden euro chic French wedding!
Thank you for your visit, you are so pretty in your picture with the girls, I wish I had your bone straight hair, and my daughter would agree with me, we go through a big ordeal to straighten it !
See you soon my sweet friend.
What a fun day! Those fried pickles seriously look delicious...definitely going to have to try some! Love all of your finds especially that little ladder...so cute!! I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July and a lovely vacation with you family Michelle!!
One of the
greatest joys
and blessings
I've received
from blogging
is meeting friends
like these....
Sweet day and
and sweet purchases!
Have fun at the
xx Suzanne
Michelle that looks like so much fun! You all look amazing in your pictures. And what great finds! I will have to show you my Swan one day.
Wonderful post, feel almost like I was there ;)
So great you got to meet some local blogger friends! That's the best! And I love all your finds. You inspired me to paint up my little ladder I have like that. :) Have a great time on your vacation!
What fun!! Isn't it nice to meet fellow bloggers? Of course, shopping at a flea market is always fun :)
What a great day to spend with fellow bloggers. Love the ladder and the color.
looks like a fun day with lovely people. love the aqua things, the ladder, the bottles and the scales.
cheryl x
Have a wonderful va-ca, Michelle! You deserve it!
I need those bottles!!!! ARE THEY VINTAGE???? I truly need one! Oh how gorgeous my friend. Isn't meeting kindred spirits such a blast and a blessing? YOU ALL LOOK MARVELOUS! What a joy it is to come see you. GROSSES BISES MA CHÈRIE!!! Anita
What a lovely weekend. Love the things you brought home. Have a great time away.
I'm so jealous!! It looks like the flea market is awesome. We don't have anything like that around our area. I want to come. lol! Kathy Love of Family and Home
Michelle this looks like such a fun day. Love the pic of you girls. Great finds too! I love me some fried pickles! Have a safe trip to the lake...enjoy!
That looked like a wonderful day. Loved the sea glass bottles - nice!!
Looks like so much fun! I love the photo of you three!
Your finds are fantastic, the aqua paint on the ladder is just perfection.
I just got a vintage scale too for my kitchen! See, we would be fast friends too
If we ever got to meet ;)
Enjoy your vacation!!
Glad you had such an amazing time and got to meet some blogging friends in person. Who knows, maybe someday we will be able to meet. Have a great trip and let me know when you are back and I will finally get your package sent off to you! Take care my friend, Laura
What great finds..Looks like ya had a great time with your friends..Happy 4th..
I am so happy you had a great day with friends!!:) You are such an awesome person, you deserve it!
Have a wonderful vacay in Glen Lake!!!!
What a fantastic day you had. I love all your purchases as well. The blues and greens are simply divine. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday
Best Carolyn
How nice to be able to meet up with Laurie and Debbie. I was planning on doing that in March and my job got in the way!! :(
Anyway - It looks like you had a wonderful time and you seem to have scored some wonderful things. Love the scale and the bottles the best!! Have a great vacation and I look forward to seeing your posts on your return. Happy 4th of July!!
Hey, sweetie pie! What an absolute BLAST we had together!!! You are so sweet and so much fun! I can hardly wait til next month! I wondered who was going to post on our flea adventure first. lol! Should'ave known it would be YOU! hehehe! Your treasures look absolutely beautiful in your house, girl. WHERE did you get that scale????? Did you pull a "Debbie" on me....??? I've been looking for one and never saw any at the market. LUV it! Let me know if you ever see another white one!
Well, have a wonderful time with your family up at that awesome lake! The weather sounds like it's going to cooperate for you! Luv ya, chickie!! And I'll miss you!!! ♥
xoxo laurie
Okay...Well, if it wasn't ME meeting them I'm glad it was YOU! Kind of...but I am SOOOO jealous! Seriously, I am so glad you girls had fun together. I know what beautiful friends they are and how much you must have loved spending the day with them. I hope to meet some/all of you there this Fall.
Have fun on vacation- You deserve it- xo Diana
Looks like a fantastic,fabulous day!! You got some great treasures too! Have a wonderful time at the lake! Relax and enjoy.... :)
I will miss your beautiful posts. Have a good time.
Sounds like the three of you could get into all sorts of trouble! LOL. Glad you had a great time.
I love all your finds! The ladder and the bottles have my heart skipping a beat. And the scale was a steal! Looks like it has a some fabulous rust on it too - - makes it even more yummy!!
Hey there!
You totally scored!
You know I am eyeing those bottles...and that ladder is fab!
Enjoy your time at the lake...
You lucky girl!!! I am so jealous! You got to meet Laurie. I know I would feel the same way if I met her. She is so pretty. I don't know Debbie but I have prayed for her. Looks like you had a most wonderful day...and you all found awesome things. Have a wonderful fourth of July. ox
Hi Michelle, thanks for this post, its so great to see 3 gals having a ball together. Thanks also for dropping by Beach Vintage and supporting my guest blogger.
I knew you girls would have a fun time - you scored some lovely finds too! I hope you have a fabulous vacation and I'll miss you SOOOOO much (boo hoo).
How fun! You are three lovely ladies!!
Have a wonderful vacation Michelle!
That's my kind of day! So fun!
Ciao from Newport Beach
Hi Sweetpea! What a great day we had! So much fun!
Laurie and I talked about you all the way back to Heaven's Walk...we just love you!!!!
I'm already looking forward to next month!
Your treasures look wonderful in their new home.
Have a blessed time at Glen Lake with your family.
Luv ya darlin'.
Loving this post!! I need to live near you and have you introduce me to a fried pickle. YUM, never had one and want too. I hope you have a great vacation!
I´m so glad you all had fun - friends are good to have (especially when it comes to shopping, haha)! :-)
Sounds like you had a lovely day and what wonderful treasures you found, love them all, have a lovely holiday see you when you get back :) x
Ohhh what a fun day, Michelle! Friends, food and finds...lol. Those fried pickles sound interesting. I wonder if they have those around here?! Love all the goodies that you brought home too. Have a great time at the lake :)
Michelle, sweetie, have a WONderful vacation, I'll miss you but will check out the guest post. It was fun reading about your delightful outing -- isn't it wonderful how we can meet such great people through blogging! Hugs, Anne
Hello Michelle! It sounds like you had such a wonderful day with your friends! They sound like lovely people! :) And you found some great treasures, too! I love that sweet ladder and of course, the vintage scale looks perfect against the bead board in your kitchen. And those little aqua bottles are amazing! :) The swans are lovely and I think they will fit into your home just right!
I hope you have a beautiful, safe vacation with your family! And I will be sure to catch your guest post, and watch for that date!
Blessings and hugs to you, my friend!
Wow that looks like an awesome flea market! Great company too :)
That looks like it was a fun day! How great you got to meet them both. I love the little ladder you found and the bottles are so pretty! Have a great vacation my friend. See you when you get back :)
Looks like the perfect way to spend a Sunday!
Love the glass bottles...
Great finds!! I would have snatched up that ladder too! That would be so fun to meet up with bloggers and go to a fabulous flea market!
Hope you have a safe trip and a great vacation!!
That really is the perfect day...meeting friends that you know so well through our blogs! You are all so beautiful...and happy! Love all of the treasures you found! The aqua bottles are perfect...love that delicate color! Enjoy you week and getting ready for VACA!!! ♥
What a fun filled day! Thank you for sharing the story. Two new bloggers to add to my list :D
Fried pickles!? I'll believe it when I taste it ;) Love the ladder you found! The color is great.
love your finds and this story of connection! adoring the last image of the bottles--amazing!
have a wonderful vacation from blogland, my friend.
I love all your finds, Michelle!! The ladder is just awesome. I had the pleasure to meet up with a blogger too (first one for me) here in Miami, Debbie of Love of the Sea and we had a great time. Wish you a wonderful vacation!!!
What a day! Sounds like a lot of fun! I love all your goodies! That ladder is my face. I think you could paint anything that color and I would probably buy it too :).
Love your finds - you display them so beautifully. The fried pickles are an interesting idea!
Beth x
Such lovely treasures and wonderful new friends.
Happy Holidays...see you when you get back! xoxo
Hi there, so sorry I missed you before you left on vacation to wish you a happy vacation! But I'm sure you'll have a happy one anyway :) Love your flea market finds - especially those aqua bottles! Michelle
You found some great treasures on your shopping adventure ... the best of which are two great friends. I have met up in person with some online friends, and it's always a great time. We already know that we have compatible interests, and the get-to-know-you time is considerably shortened since we all share so much about our selves online already.
My husband said it best the other day. He told me, "It's weird how you have so many sisters-separated-at-birth out there in cyberspace." I feel exactly that way!
Hi Dear Michelle
Apologies for being soooo late to wish you a happy [now belated] 4th July
I've been fighting of whooping cough.. what a pain!!! and very haphazard at blogging..
Well looks like you had a fabulous day out and what fun to meet up with blogging friends... you all look like you are full of sunshine!! and love those bargains you picked up.. especially the ladder and scales..
Have a lovely break and wonderful time at the lake.. look forward to seeing your shots when you get back.. ciao xxx Julie
Hi Meeeshell!
I'm sooo jealous of your outing and meeting with friends. Laurie is a sweetheart. Love all the finds you came home with. Hope you're having a great time away. I've been thinking about you a lot. Sure miss blogging with you.
Blessings to you my friend! Oh, and you girls are all adorable. Loved looking at the pics.
Hey Michelle! I was thinking of you at the ocean! I just picture you there :) Hope you are doing well!
Enjoy your day !
Regards from France...
Oh how fun Michelle! Those two are two of the sweetest bloggers around! Hope you had a great 4th at the lake!~
I just found your blog through different blog links. I spent all night last night reading ALL of your posts. ( I couldn't sleep... :) I LOVE your blog. You have such an amazing style. I love the beach feel. It is what I want to change my home to. I also want to say that you are a very strong person for going through all that you have. I know that you and your family is being blessed and watched over. I look forward to reading more about your fun (and some not so fun-more character building) experiences and decorating!
~Lisa W. in Missouri
What terrific finds MIchelle! Looks like you ladies had a ton of fun!
This is perfect!
HI - Visiting via Love of the Sea - nice to meet you!
Love all your beachy finds - gorgeous!
Am your Newest Follower, too!!!
Happy Week-
Hi Michelle, what an absolutely, positively fun day for you and your new friends. Love the treasures you brought home with you and I have to try myself one of those deep fried dill pickles...yummo!
Just had to drop in today..missing you so!!!
I know you are having such fun where you are..and I cant wait to hear all about it and to chat more again my sweet, sweet friend xoxoxo
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xo
Deborah xoxoxoxoxoox
I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE HOME!!! I have missed you so much my dear!!! You missed my open house post last week, but I had to delete it....but THANK YOU FOR COMING TO VISIT FIRST THING, and I am so glad you got your seamaiden/angel....blessings to you dearest! Anita
Thank you so much Lisa W. you are so sweet for reading through all my crazy posts. :) The beach feel feels so great, I always feel like I am by the water. Thank you for kind words about my heart attack, it is amazing how family can pull together and give such love and support.
I look forward to getting to know you. :)
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