I am reposting this and crossing my fingers that the issues will just go away.
Any magic wands out there?
Wednesday was a beautiful day!
The heat and humidity took a tumble and it was about 70 and sunny!
So, I was feeling rather inspired from a few projects that some wonderful gals had done and decided it was time to bite the bullet and try one of my own.
I am talking about a desk.
Anita from Going A Little Coastal made her sewing table from saw horse table plans at Ana White.
Love how she decorated the top, so inspiring.
Deborah, from With All my Heart....Deborah, and her hubby built this beautiful farmhouse style desk together.
So beautiful and I love the color that she chose.
So I grabbed all the scrap wood that we had.

Framed it all up and attached the top boards with fastener thingies that I had.
I attached a smaller board to raise the table up a bit but then later had to cut the legs down because it was too high.
So far so good and it is even level!! :)
I had left over paint from the family room, Simply White from BM, so I used that to cover it in all it's lushes whiteness.

Added some treasures that I found in our basement like this lantern.
I gave this a couple coats of white paint that I had left over.

Stole some driftwood from the bathroom and some starfish that I had along with a glass bottle topped with a shell (I saw this somewhere in blogland and for the life of me I can't remember where now, if you know, please let me know) and a picture of my mom at Glen Lake holding her cat when she was younger. :)

Now I have a place to blog and talk to you all of you!
I can look out my window at the birds and feel the warm breeze come through our slider.
The chair came from my grandpa. I am told that he made this one along with another one that my brother has.
I painted it white of course and shabbied it up a bit.

I love this chair and now I can use it, not that I couldn't before but there was just no where to put it.

I was also able to bust out the jig saw again and start the first piece for my son's new shark room!!
I drew a shark the best that I could and cut him out like I did the whale.
God bless scrap wood! :)
I would say that he is pretty happy with it.

The cost of these projects = NOTHING!!!!!
woo hoo!!!!
Oh, I also wanted to show you my other whale the I carved from a solid piece of wood with my hand tools......
Your desk looks great. I love that lantern too. I was just looking at some like that today except they were red. Didn't even think I could have spray painted it!
Wow I am so impressed with the table! Especially your use of technical terms, like "thingie" LOL
Seriously, though, it's amazing!! Beautiful chair as well.
You had me just for a minute there with that whale...then I thought- "That girl is a liar"...and then I smiled to myself when you fessed up-cuz I don't want any lying friends!;>)
Darling little table that you made-it is in the perfect spot! And your shark is pretty cool too~ Sounds like you have been a busy girl! Hugs- Diana
Have Mercy!!! I'm coming to your house to blog!!
Sweetie I love, love, love your new desk!!!!
It is beautiful and dreamy...
I can just see you going at it to build this!! lol
I love your spunk ..its contagious!
Your Grandpas chair is so beautiful and I love that you painted it white..luscious is right!!
Everything looks so good and all your special touches are so endearing hunny.
How sweet to have a picture of your Mom at your beloved Glen Lake xo
Easton looks so happy with his new shark. Michelle he is the cutest!!!
Love his expressions!!
And that whale..what a job you did on that!! lol
I know, just kidding. It is adorable..even if you didn't make it. But you know what, I wouldnt't doubt you could make that too!!
Anitas desk is so nice..love the top!!
So sweet of you to mention me and my desk that hubby built :) xo
I'm also so glad you're getting good weather now hunny..I think summer is upon us..yeah!!!!
Love you sweetie xoxox
Deborah xoxoxoxoox
I LOVE all of these tables and all of you have inspired me! In 2002, the house my great-grandfather built in 1904 was destroyed by a tornado. My cousin had wood from the house milled into boards, which he used to panel the inside of the living room on his home that was also damaged by the same storm. The last time I was there, a few years ago, he still had some of the leftover wood stored in the barn and told me to take whatever I wanted. I took a few pieces for a shadowbox, but couldn't think of what else to do with it. Now I'm going to have to get up there and see if I can get enough pieces for a table like one of these! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful project. I think I could do this!
I love the desk and what you,re displaying on it. Lol you had me going at the whale.
that looks so serene and peaceful.... a perfect place to sip coffee and blog! i love it michelle. and i love the shark! that is awesome! and of course the whale you carved is pretty cool, too. ;)
Lovely! I might try doing this as a coffee table, thanks!
(beach house in the city)
Michelle, you simply amaze me! Carpentry too??? Wow! And it's gorgeous! Love it, love it love it! I also love how you accessorized it, and not too much I might add. Just the right amount. You are so talented, honestly. You could sell those. xxx tami
Omg, I love this area you created for yourself. The desk turned out great. I love the color of Deborah's desk too. It's so nice that you can look out the door while you sit there in that cute little chair. Love the lantern. And the whale, I'll bet my store will be getting some soon :) Thanks so much for showing off my desk. It's covered with sewing stuff right now!
YOU ROCK! Love, love, love the little desk! I really like how you accessorized it too! Very Sweet! The chair is such a nice keepsake, it's beautiful. Great job on the shark as well, I bet Easton was just thrilled with it too!!! He's pretty darned cute, isn't he!?
Is there anything you can't make?
You really do rock my friend!
Amazing Shark and a happy boy! Too cute! I love how you just started grabbing wood and made a desk! Love it and the corner is so lovely! Have a great weekend my friend! Take care, Laura
That turned out sooooo goooood! I love it :) Everything in your house it just too cute. And I was gonna say, SERIOUSLY...YOU CAN CARVE TOO!? Haha, great find.
Your desk turned out great! And now you have a place to sit and visit us... a place that you and your grandpa made! How special is that!
And I know the shark room is gonna be great.
PS we're FINALLY supposed to break 70 for the first time since last September! Can't wait :)
Wow - you did a amazing job with the desk. I wish I had the ability and the time to do something like that. I think I could squeeze the time if I had the talent...! Lucky you - you're so creative and handy!!! :)
Oh, I love, love, LOVE your sweet table, and think it looks amazing! What a wonderful place to blog! :) And the shark cut out is great~ and your son looks pleased as punch! :)
I hope you enjoy your sun~ I am so glad to hear you are getting some good weather! You must be sending it our way, because they are saying the sun is actually going to come out tomorrow, and stick around for the weekend! {gasp} :) I hope you have a wonderful night, Michelle!
Great job on your new desk, and what a perfect spot to place it! I'd love to sit and gaze out at those woods of yours. I may be making some sort of desk this summer too, that is if I get the kitchen and bathroom and about a hundred other things on my list done first!
Your whale is cute too. Can't wait to see what you do with your son's room!
Oh be still my heart Michelle! You totally got me on the carving the whale thing! I was reading along and thinking, "Wow! Michelle did an amazing job with that desk. How does she do it? She sure is talented." And then, the whale made me stop in my tracks and think "are you kidding me???" And, you were! LOL! I wouldn't put it past you though, you crazy creative girl you! :-)
Your desk looks awesome!! You did such a fantastic job!! It looks like a perfect spot to sit & blog!! You also did a great job cutting out that shark with the jigsaw!! Pretty impressive my friend!! Then I read that you carved out that whale and I was like "Shuuut Up!!" and then I realized you were kidding!! Too funny!! You really had me thinking that you hand carved that thing!! LOL!!
Love the desk...I saw Going a Little Costal's too, and it's also great! The chair looks great- even better that it has sentimental value!
I think blogger (and therefore Google Reader!) has lost it's MIND! I just had 25 new posts from your blog show up in my reader, but they are really from another blog?? One I've never even read, but showing up under your blog on my reader! So weird! I've had other blog's posts not even show up in Reader for a few weeks now, so there's no telling what Blogger is up to!! So frustrating!
What a perfect space! All of that happy sunlight coming in...love it:) Great job!
you are hilarious...for a sec i really thought that you carved the whale!! you did such a great job on the table/desk...i'm jealous of your handyman, er lady, skills! i am good with drills and hammers, but not saws :(
love your new blogging spot!
Wow woman! You sure are handy with all the tools. The little space that you carved out for yourself looks great. Love the desk and the chair! Your shark turned out so good too. Your little guy looks pretty pleased with it :)
What a marvelous little spot! You did a great job with the table.
What a great job - it looks PERFECT in the room!!
You TOTALLY made me go WHA! when you said you carved that whale! lmao!!!
NOW -- something weird is going on!
My blog roll (where all of YOUR blog posts should be) end with this posting, and are showing another blog with ...
"posted by Tuttie at Emerald Cove"
here is the link
no idea what's going on!
where it says ""posted by Tuttie at Emerald Cove" if i click on emerald cove, it takes me to yr blog. But if i click on the title of the post, it takes me to that other blog. and none of them are even current posts! the last post was march 25th, and yet, the last 48 posts (all showing b4 THIS post on my blog roll) say they were posted an hour ago! how annoying!
hope it gets fixed soon!
Gah Michelle - I have you in my Google Reader and when I got up this morning I was surprised to see that you had updated with like 20-something posts. When I looked at them, it was not your blog - it was this one: http://totskie.blogspot.com/ and somehom it has switched places with your blog in my Reader?! It still says "Emerald cove" but is filled with posts from this other blog.
Maybe you should go here: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/blogger/label?lid=0271191b4249689a&hl=en and let them know that something has happened?
I´m really confused right now, wondering if this might have happened to my blog as well?!
Yay! I'm so impressed... your desk looks great.
I'm not sure I'm capable of handling such a project.
Have a nice weekend ♥
You really are going to make someone a good husband one day.. and I mean that in the best possible way.. hehe.. you're so darn handy!!! LOVE the chair.. please post it to me tout de suite!!!
Fabulous creations my friend.. have a great weekend.. ciao xxxx Julie...
Yep, I'm seeing the same other blog as tinajo and stormy! Very, very weird!
Ok....you my dear are amazing! I would not even attempt to build a table! Yahooooo for you and it is lovely! Oh how I adore your sweet home.
Happy weekend. xoxoxo
You could have said that you made that last whale with your bare hands, or even your elbows, and I would have believed you, you know!! Your diy super-powers frighten me!!!!
Your table looks AWESOME!!
the desk is super cool! i luv the pic of your momma on Glen Lake ~what a nice touch and the chair made by Grandpa!! hugs, Cathy ***you are amazing Michelle!***
Great job and thanks for making bust out laughing at my office when you wrote "just kidding" after saying you carved the whale!! :)
Hey there, you did awesome. You are so talented girl. I need a crafting table, too. The shark looks great as well. I'm sure your son is very proud! Have a great weekend mein Freund.
Oh Michelle...I love your spot to blog!! You did a wonderful job!
The shark it too cute..I love the table and the lantern you found to put on top of it..Have a great week-end..
Nice work on the table i dont think that will be coming apart ever. I did some work a couple of years ago with dove-tail joins be fasteners are some much easier :)
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