I am still busy painting away but I have to tell you that I went for it!
I thank everyone who offered me advice, you gals are so creative and so helpful.
Friday I went and picked up a couple samples of gray and painted various parts of my hallway and family room to see what it would look like.
The moment I painted on Smooth Stone by Glidden I knew it was the one!
So Saturday I went to Home Depot and picked up a gallon of the Smooth Stone, came back home and started painting!

I am LOVING it and how it gives a different feel to the room. It is light enough to not overpower and dark enough to see a contrast.
I am going to continue into the family room. Now I am just doing the trim around the doors and windows not along the floor.
Not sure, mostly because I am lazy but I also didn't want the gray to become too much since I am going to be doing the shelves that are in my family room that color as well.
We will see how it works out in the end, I may change my mind. :)
I hope you all had a lovely weekend, I saw that some of you were enjoying some Spring-like weather and some of you, including me, are still in a winter wonderland.
Don't worry, Spring is right around the corner! :)
I have a few shout outs that I would like to share a moment.
I would like to thank Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for featuring my beachy bedroom! I am new to Alison's blog but if you have not met her, please stop by and say hi and take a look around, she has a great sense of style and is so sweet. She also hosts a weekly party called Fridays Unfolded! So much inspiration there!
Laura from Ricevere con stile honored me with the Liebster Blog. Thank you so much Laura, I greatly appreciate it! Please stop by and say hi to Laura as well. She lives in beautiful Rome, Italy and her blog is full of inspiration and beautiful photos! She will make you feel welcomed and right at home.
I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will be back sometime to show you more of the family room!
I know, just what you wanted!! :)
perfection! i love that look!
The gray looks great! Very nice choice :)
you are one productive gal. Puts me to shame. I have utmost respect for all you accomplish. Looks great btw!
THIS IS THE WAY TO GO! Doesn't it feel free, fresh and roomy with this soft contrast? We really are enjoying every part of our rooms done up in white and gray. Just a splash of aqua in my studio and really, the rest is so relaxed. BRAVO MICHELLE MY DEAR!!!! I will be back later to look again...off to get ready for school! Anita
You are a busy momma! When I see your posts and all that you have accomplished, it reminds me of the old army saying, We do more before 6AM than most people do all day... LOL : )
Nice choice!
It looks wonderful! Good choice.
That gray is perfect! It's looking really good! I'm glad you went for it! Can't wait to see more!
Have a great week!
Just popped over from Sally Lee where she featured your Beachy Bedroom..
Love it!
speaks volumes to this Florida beachy girl..
right this minute , snow is falling and I'm on countdown..
one more week and I''be toasting the sunset in Florida with my toes buried in the sand..
I read through many of your previous posts..
love your style..
so Hi.. I'm your newest follower!!
warmest sandy hugs..
I love it and it totally makes me want to paint mine that color! :)
Michelle~ I totally dig it!!
Everything is coming out just perfect!
Hooray for the gray!!! I'm loving it.
I think I'm going to make a driftwood boat today..you've inspired me!
The gray looks great!!! I LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the whole project completed!!
Looks so great! Can't wait to see the rest. Thannks, Laura
Wow! The gray trim look fantastic! I would be so scared to do that. But you were brave and it's totally working!
Michelle it's lovely. I love the gray trim. It's just the right deeper shade, yet not too dark, or light. Nicely done, my dear, xoxo tami
Michelle, right after we chatted last night my computer died! I jumped on my laptop so that I could tell you how much I LOVE your gray trim! And I think doing the door and window trim is just right! I will check out the blogs you mentioned, thanks for telling us about both of them!
Kat :)
Hey girlie, Can you send me over some over your energy??? ; )) I love the gray! I hope you have the best week, ever!
Ahhhh... the soft gray is so serene! It makes a statement but in a subtle relaxed way.I love it, Michelle! We used gray in our dining room and it has such a relaxed and calm feel, which is nice with a house full of boys :) I keep thinking about your cat under plastic, lol! Can't wait to see your family room!
Enjoy this thing they call Monday :) xxxx ~M
Looks great! Have fun!
I love that you give yourself permission to change your mind if you are not fond of the colour later on...your right it is only paint.
It is so beautiful. You know you may want to paint your brick fireplace that grey too. I noticed it is a cream? Or maybe you are going to paint it white. You sure have transformed your home this new year!
Yay! You went for it! It looks absolutely beautiful...soft...subtle and just perfect against the wall color! And I totally agree about not doing the baseboards. It seems just right. I feel like such a slug compared to you my friend! :-)
Just that little touch of gray makes such a BIG difference. Your home is coming together to well with all your hard work. You'll need a vacation from all this painting. LOL
Loving your choice Michelle!! Congrats on your features...I'm off to check out those blogs!
So pretty! What a lovely shade of gray.
Ahhh . . . too beautiful! I am really loving all things gray and have found that in these last few months, I have purchased lots of gray clothes and shoes. I think it is a very sexy color.
I love this color!!! So subtle but yet the contrast is perfect. You have such great taste Michelle!
I love th ecolor and it is absolutely perfect for the space, the gray is georgous! Love what you are doing and now I have to go visit the blogs you shouted out!
Your home is really looking wonderful. I love the color. I am thinking that I should switch my bedroom colors up a bit...and go more in this direction. Right now it is a blush on the top and a darker blush on the bottom beneath the chair rail. I love the soft smooth look of this grey. Can't wait to see your window molding painted!!
Love it Michelle! I sooooo wish I had your energy!!
Hi Michelle, its looking great, colour combos look great,keep going!
That color looks perfect Michelle. So relaxed and serene. You sure have been busy lately. I can't wait to see how everything comes together.
Love love love that color!!!!
Just about to head out so will be back for a proper read. Looks fantastic Michelle.
Lisa x
Hi! I am a new follower. I just happened to stumble upon your blog, and saw that you were from Michigan. We live in Petoskey (northern lower). I have spent a couple days reading your posts and really enjoy them ☺ Michigan IS a beautiful place!
Hi! I am a new follower. I just happened to stumble upon your blog and start reading. We are from Michigan also, Petoskey (northern lower). I have really enjoyed going back and reading your posts. Especially all the beautiful pics of Lake Michigan and Glen Lake ☺ What a beautiful state we live in!
Sorry about the double post...My computer is a little funky this morning.
LOVE it!!! I had a little chat with my husband .... we ARE going to paint the trim in our whoe house! We have that 1970's orangey stained trim and doors....cna't stand it anymore:) I have been a bit scared b/c it is sooooo much work...but I just know i'll be much happier:)
Michelle, I think you hit the nail on the head with that gray! It looks exactly like the image from Between You & Me and suits your style perfectly. You are one busy lady.
Love the gray! Don't you just love when you start a painting project and step back and are able to say...."wow, I am in love with how this is turning out!". That is the best :)
I did something similar when I painted our living room...a light gray on the walls and then an amazing dark gray color (it was called elephant...I love paint color names, so fun!!) as a statement wall! It really warms up the room!
I love this - it is subtle but definitely warms the space a bit. Thank you for popping into my blog and introducing me to yours! I am happy follower #381!
Hey Michelle...there you go again! Making your home so special! I wish I had more of your adventerous in me...I just do a room & then get stuck & leave it! I will probably die in a very outdated home because once I get it how I like it...I leave it! But you are so awesome changing things up & making things new! I need to learn from you!
The contrast is beautiful my sweet!
You're right, its the just the right colour to compliment your walls.
I think it would look fine without painting the baseboards.
Fantastic job, as always hunny!
All my love,
Deborah xoxox
It looks PERFECT. It makes me want to rethink the plans I have for our hall!!! I love it so much.
love, love, LOVE It!! o.k. confess...you don't want to do the baseboards by the floor because it is really difficult to paint down there, not to mention hard on the knees! i know, i've tried it. ha ha
actually, you are lucky, because it looks great without doing the baseboards. job well done, i say!
That gray is gorgeous, I love it with the white!!! C-R-I-S-P!
Love the grey!!! It looks fabulous!
I'm sorry I'm coming over too late to chime in my opinion but it looks like you were given some great advise because the trim looks fantastic. It looks like you are moving along at a great pace. Me.... I'm still in the pre-planning stage :( I need to get moving.
Fabulous job, my sweet friend! It looks soooo pretty! You picked the perfect gray! I can hardly wait for your post of the finished project. Just wait til I get back home, will ya??? lol!
xoxo laurie
I am so glad you went for it. It looks fantastic. The slight difference in color is perfect.
Love it - and I´m painting this weekend, will be fun! :-)
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