Hello again!!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
It is still snowing here and COLD!!!!
Which is ok,
sort of,
because I was busy this weekend finishing the starfish headboard!
This is how my daughters bed started out
This was my inspiration
A beautiful headboard made by Jane Coslick!

When I started this I really had no idea what I was doing so this tutorial isn't the best and I am sure that there are better ways to do this.
This is where I started
I laid out the planks that made up the headboard.
I drew a starfish pattern that I liked and then transfered the image onto the boards in the places that I were close to the inspiration board.
Once the design was transfered, I set up a little area in the kitchen (not the wisest place, but it was 10 degrees and snowing outside).
I used a jigsaw and cut as close to the lines as I could.
It took me a couple tries to be able to control the saw, but once I sort of got the hang of it, it was kind of fun!!
It is a good thing there were not any straight lines, not sure I would have been able to handle that!
After I got the starfish cut out I started framing up her old bed.
Again, I was winging this and praying that it would all work out in the end so bare with me.
I used the same size boards as the planks, 1x4's, and drilled them into the existing headboard.
Then it was a matter of just finding the center and attaching the planks.
I worked from the center out making sure that I was level and as even on each side as I could get.
I was a bit off on the sides, but it worked out ok.
I then attached boards on the end, a trim piece to even out the top and then a top itself.
It worked out nice because now she has a little shelf that she can put some things on.
I did the footboard the same way
except I had to box in the existing foot board, where as the headboard I left the back exposed...
too lazy! :)
So, there it is!!
It is not perfect by any means, but I am really happy with how it turned out
so is my daughter!!
Sorry about the pictures and the mess, but I wanted to show you the bed and her room is far from being finished.
Now, to paint it!!
I knew that my daughter still wanted the blues and greens and she was thinking bright and bold and I was thinking soft and muted..
we compromised.
I used a beautiful deep aqua
called Inlet Blue from Glidden.
I actually showed my face in Home Depot again, good thing no one recognized me!! :)
Glidden paint was on sale this weekend so I took advantage of it!
That is her bold color.
Her sheets and bedding are a much lighter shade of that I will add soft sea greens and
cool crisp whites.
I will show you all of that when I finish her room.
The bedding on there now is her current bedding.
The pink curtains will go and the little bit of blue that you can see in the bottom picture will be white.
I love the color that we picked out and I am thinking about using it for another piece of furniture but just not sure yet.
Anyway, there it is!!
I will have a bed skirt to cover up the bottom rail and hopefully some of the exposed bed posts that I couldn't quite cover up with the wood.
I am really happy with it and still amazed that I was able to pull it off!!
This week I will be painting her room, bringing down a desk from my craft room (hopefully), getting curtains and rearranging her furniture.
I also have some little projects lined up in my mind for her walls when time allows!!
Sorry, I know this is long but I wanted to let you know about the Be Mine Bonanza over at 'At Home With K'
It will begin January 30 and run until February 5.
It will feature 7 different bloggers with 7 fun and creative Valentines Day themed tutorials!
Gwen from Gwenny Penny
Heather from Summerstead
Michelle from Emerald Cove
Sarah from All Roads Lead Home
Suesan from Frou-FruGal
Tonya from More Prim Than Proper
Kindra from At Home with K
I will be also working on my project for that this week!
Have a wonderful start to the new week my friends!
I will be linking up to the parties in my "Linky Parties" tab
Oh my gosh that is the cutest bed ever. You must be thrilled Michelle and your daughter too. So glad you "showed your face again" :)
Well, aren't you brave and clever? I would never have had the nerve to start up with that saw. You did fantastic! Love it! You should be very proud of yourself.
wowee -you go girl! You need your own HGTV show.
Wow, you did a fantastic job. I may be great with a paint brush and ideas, but not so good with screws and nails! I really like the color you two picked out as well... what a nice compromise. Can't wait to see the final results...
Oh my goodness!!! It's awesome, girl!! What a terrific job. I love the color too. You hit it out of the park with this one. :)
I am speechless. You outdid yourself. You are so smart to use the existing headboard. Smart smart smart. Wow.... Ok maybe I am not speechless. I am in awe. You go girl. I can't wait to see more. Gotta talk about you on my blog now.
Michelle, this is amazing! You are incredible and so smart to attach to the existing bed.
Super Duper Impressed!!!!! It looks amazing!! You did a great job! You'd think you've been a woodworker for years and years! The bed is beautiful!!
OMG! Super cute...
I love the color-
my oh my Michelle, you did a beautiful job! love the color, great compromise. I love that you used her existing frame, very smart!
You are an amazing DIY'er! I am beyond impressed, that can NOT have been easy to do! Lovely job! Lucky girl! XX!
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! This is great.
It looks awesome Michelle! Yay for you! So impressed!
What a wonderful project! I'm sure your daughter is thrilled. And you should be so proud of yourself!
WOW...this bed looks outstanding!!!! You did a wonderful job on this piece...love the look and the color!!!
Oh my sweetie this is so beachy and
b e a u t i f u l !!!!!
You did such a fabulous job on her bed!!!!
The look is so coastal and the colour is so very pretty!!
You deserve a big B R A V O!!!!!!
Good for you for just going right to it..you never cease to amaze and inspire...
Breath-taking...a standing ovation!!!
Can you see me..Im standing up clapping for you...never mind the Golden Globe Award..Im handing you the "The Creative Cove" Award!!!!!
Speech, speech!!
(Forgive me, I'm getting a little silly now! lol )
All my love,
Deborah xoxoxoo
Wow Michelle,
It looks so amazing, I am very impressed with our DIY skills my friend! I am sure your daughter really loves it! Have a great night and I can't wait to see what you have for Valentine's Day!
Take care,
This is so amazing!!!! I am so impressed. I absolutely love it. Of course I would paint it white, but it is so darn cute. YOU did a great job...what a lucky lucky daughter!!!! ox
AWESOME!!!!!!! I absolutely love it- you did a fantastic job Michelle!! I bet your daughter is just loving it! Well done! :)
Ooh, this is gorgeous and you make it look so easy! I'm so impressed! (But knew I would be!)
YOu did an amazing job on this head board! I live on the coast of NC and people would LOVE this around here!
I LOVE that, it's beautiful!
You should be very proud of yourself, you did a beautiful job!!
Wow! That is super cool and you did a great job for your first time!
The headboard is perfect! Love the color...I bet your daughter is loving it!
Now, that is just plain clever! It is beautiful, too!! Thanks for linking up at the 1st Project of the Year Party at WWC!!
Michelle, how awesome is that headboard???It's turned out to be so fantastic! I love it! It's perfect for your daughter, just beachy! You are so talented, honestly. This is for me an advanced project. And you make it look so easy. By the way, I got your emails, and just got home a few min. ago, will reply in the morning when I'm thinking more clear, long day, big hugs, you did so well. xoxo tami
Wow, fantastic job! I love the color and I'm sure your daughter is happy she got the bolder shade she was hoping for. Can't wait to see the rest.
I like your bed better than the inspiration. You did a great job. You have a lucky daughter.
Holy cow Michelle it is gorgeous! I love the color that you and your daughter selected, it's perfect and so beachy!!! Give up your day job my dear, I think you can now officially go into the furniture business! I can't wait to see the bedding and the room all pulled together, greedy person that I am! hehe
Kat :)
Did you cut the starfish with a hand saw, or a jigsaw?
I told my guy a couple months back, that "I think I want a jigsaw for my next gift", haha...
You did a FAB job!!
I'm speechless! You did a fabulous job on this bed! I love the color and everything about it! The Starfish are adorable! I hope Addy is loving her new bed and room! Looking forward to the reveal!
Have a wonderful day, tomorrow, sweet friend!
:D Michelle
I'm in love with your daughters bed. What a super job you did with some "guy tools"! And I think the color is perfect.
Thanks for mentioning the Be Mine Bonanza! Can't wait to see what you whip up! ;)
OH MICHELLE! First of all, I have been having MAJOR problems getting into some blogs!!! BUT HERE I AM and I am loving how you were able to capture this magnificent piece and incorporate it into the already existing bed! IT LOOKS PERFECT MICHELLE!!!! BRAVO and what a fun thing to do. The starfish look EXACTLY like the original! BRAVOOOOOOOOO! Fondly, Anita
Michelle, you did fabulously on this!!!! I am so impressed with how this turned out and I DO love that color! Great job!!!!
How awesome is that color? You did an amazing job!! I love it! I'll take one in beachy distressed white for my room please! ;)
Hi Michelle! You know I am loving your daughter's beachy bedroom! You did a fantastic job on that headboard and footboard, and I love the color too! With the seastar cutouts and that color, she will be dreaming of the beach 24/7! Thank you for stopping by. It is always good to hear from you. Have a great day!
Oh Michelle, INDEED, your daughter must be loving this new treat! I admire anyone who can build. I can decorate, dream up ideas, and craft pretty well, but BUILD? NO WAY!!! BRAVO! Anita
Michelle! You did an awesome job. Aren't you handy with the tools?! I like the color, even though it's bold it's not bright. I want to see the whole room once it is all set up :)
That is awesome. We did a headboard for my niece and backlit it wiht a strip light. That would be cool behind her bed so light would filter through the stars.
I am SO impressed! This makes me want to pull out a saw and make something! You doing this project in the kitchen made me laugh! I could SO see myself doing the same thing!
Your daughter's room is going to be adorable especially with a custom bed built just for her by Mom!
Oh my 'stars' Michelle! LOL! I absolutely love this and I'm beyond impressed by your creativity and the fact that you thought to just attach it to the existing bed frame. Genius! You are one talented lady and I cannot wait to see how the entire room turns out! :-)
Yeah for you! You did a great job! Love the color! Can you come over and teach me :)
Wanted to thank you for dropping by my blog & leaving such sweet comments! I hope that you will continue to visit! You did such a great job on this bed! It looks awesome!! Such a great transformation! Very nice meeting you!!
Wow, magnificent project - you're such a good crafter! Found you over Anita's - congrats for winning her award ;)
One word: Incredible! :-)
cute!! You did a great job. I was smiling at the Dylan and Cole Sprouse poster! LOL!
Excellent job ~ and I love the color!
You couldn't have chosen a better color. You did one heck of an amazing job transforming this...WOW!
Bravo!!! It's so fabulous!!!!!!
WOW! You go girl! You are awesome. I'm so impressed and can't wait to see the whole room finished up!
Holy star fish Michelle! That headboard is simply AMAAAAAAZING! I cannot tell you how much I love it. I love it more than your inspiration picture! If it were in my house, I would probably have loved it and left it natural pine because I love how pine contrasts white walls - (at first I thought it was done when I saw the natural pine picture). Anyway, I think I'm going to copy that picture to send to my Dad - I think he needs to make something like this for the daybed (it would be much wider of course going along the long side of a daybed) in the 'kids room' at our cabin up on the lake in NH this summer!!!
Mercy, I had to do a double take. Thought my antibiotics were playing tricks on me till I found your face. Very pretty makeover on the blog!
The headboard is outstanding... you should start a little woodworking studio. Really nice!
Great bed re-do! judy
You really did a great job, no fear here!
Two thumbs up, for sure!! Love the bed and the color.
Michelle~ That headboard is amazing!!!
Love it!
Wow, Michelle, you are like a carpenter! It looks like you rebuilt the whole bed and it looks fantastic! I am looking forward to seeing your daughter's room when it is all finished. Have a great week!
Oh what a lovely headboard...
your daughter must be so happy with her new bed...and bedroom:)
Oh my goodness! I am in such awe, I am almost speechless! This is amazing. AMAZING! You did an incredible job on the bed and I LOVE the color you chose! Love this. :)
I looooove the colour you've chosen. It's so gorgeous and deep. Dreamy!
You did SOOOOO well cutting out your starfish - not at a bajigidy line in sight!!!
Look at me! I'm American now!!
I'm SO impressed with your power-tool skills. You're a legend!
This is so stinkin' clever! I love the headboard design and I've been following along your updates but I had no idea that you were using the existing headboard to build the new one! That's is just plain AMAZING!
Love the color too :D
Unbelievable! Your daughter must be loving this!
Take care,
That was an awful lot of work!! You did a great job!! I love it!! Your daughter is one lucky girl :)
Amazing Michelle...truly amazing! Thanks for making this post a tutorial. I know you made it look so easy, but I know it wasn't that simple. But the headboard looks fabulous and love the color you picked too!
This is fantastic, Michelle! It's even better than the "original" star bed! :) You are amazing, girl! I love that you used her old bed and made it new -- awesome idea! :)
Michelle, I simply can't believe how awesome that turned out. I had no idea you would be using the old bed as a base, HOW CLEVER,,,, and the paint you choose is really awesome.
You blow my mind girl, with your creativity, I LOVE it. So wish I could do something cool like that,,,, you've def inspired me, to say the least.
THANK YOU so much for all your support, and for ALWAYS linking up to **Amaze me AUgust**, I so love having you girl!!!
Bella :)
A pretty, talented woman with a power tool!!!! Gotta love that! lol! Kudos to you, girly! The bed turned out so beautiful, and I can just imagine how thrilled your sweet daughter is with it. :) Don't be surprised if you start getting orders for more beds.... ♥
xoxo laurie
jackpot! this bed is amazing! holy wok a moley!
fab job Michelle! -denise
I am soooo impressed Michelle!! You did a wonderful job. I really love the little shelf you added too. Incredible!
Wow! You did a fantastic job on your daughter's bed Michelle...I love it! ~Deb~
You couldn't have done a better job, it looks perfect! Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower for my blog, I'm following in return!
Wow - this is beautiful. You did a really great job!! Just gorgeous.
Michelle it looks utterly fantastic!! I love it and how you used the bed that was already there to achieve it. The color is perfect. Also not sure if it was changed recently but loving your new header!
I am so impressed!!!! You go girl!!! Fabulous job! I can't believe you were able to use tools like that! Amazing!!
Michelle- Oh my! What a transformation! This is just an amazing project and your daughter must just love it!
Wow! You have A TON of comments girl! :-) Just goes to show that folks know talent and style when they see it! Thanks so much for linking this up to the party,
I have admired that same headboard and am planning on making it for my master bedroom! You did an amazing job and love the tutorial so I think I can make it for our room now!!!
Love you blog!!
OH MY GOODNESS - you must be proud of yourself! What a fantastic project and it turned out so beautiful!!!
stunning! you have so much talent!! i love this bed! you need to send a pic to Coastal Living mag!!! hugs, Cathy
LOL! I recognized that pretty little bed at Donna's SNS, Michelle!!! I'm so glad that you added it to her linky party! Just adore it! Hugs! ♥
xoxo laurie
Wow, wow, wow ~ fabulous job! I love the way you used the old head and foot boards as your bases. What a talented girl you are!!
Susan and Bentley
How clever! Looks terrific!
And now you've really got me thinking about how I could use this technique.
Loving your headboard! I've featured this post on Craft Gossip here:
Thanks for inspiration!
If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here:
we call our daughter "starfish" and this WILL be her next bed! Thank you for the tutorial!
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