Hello loverlies!!
I hope you had a great weekend!
I had a
Why you ask?
Well because of these two beautiful ladies..
Laurie from Heaven's Walk and Debbie from The Lakehouse.
We met up in a near by town that hosts a large Flea Market on the last Sunday of the summer months.
It was a PERFECT day.

We joked about how we would find each other and Laurie told me that she would be the one holding the "CRASH" sign.....
She wasn't joking! :)
Of course we forget to take the photo of the sign, but it was funny!
"Crash" would be because of all the wonderful things that I listed in a post a while ago that I have backed into with my car. :)
Do you ever feel like you know someone the moment you meet?
That is how it felt, like we have been friends for a long time, yes, we talk online a lot but just having that feeling of knowing someone and feeling comfortable is a great feeling.
And the two of them have been friends for a long time, sisters separated at birth I believe I was told. :)
I loved it!
And can I just say that they are
and so sweet and so much fun to shop with and just be around.
And let me tell you,
these ladies know how to shop!!! :)

Laurie purchasing her grain sack runner.
(love the couch too)

Debbie scored a beautiful birdcage.

Laurie found this beautiful door. She was trying to decide if it would fit in her front door but after talking with hubby, they decided that it may not fit and not worth the risk.
We also tried talking her into wash tubs for either beverages or flowers (I should have taken a picture of one) but no go.
Don't worry there is next month!!

Ok, if you have not tried fried pickles you are missing out my friends!!!
There are DELICIOUS!!!
Don't ya love how they set up our little table with Lauries pot and napkins?!
They are such bloggers!!! ;)
They both scored some really beautiful things so you have to go check out their stash when they post about it!
I picked up a few things, not too much since I am leaving on vacation soon, but I managed to score these little beauties!

A gorgeous aqua ladder that has the perfect distressing and worn look.
A kitchen scale that I have been looking for, only $10!
Beautiful aqua bottles that look like sea glass.
One of the bottles had some kind of iridescent material on it. I tried to take a photo below but it was hard to get it to sparkle.

I also picked up two little swans, I love swans.
There was a beautiful swan there that was made out of paper mache that looked like wood but it was $34!
Really?? $34!!!
Oh well, maybe next month.

My scale found a home on the kitchen counter.

mmmmmm, perfect colors!!
I found a home for the ladder as well but it is raining today and dark in the part of the kitchen that it is so I will have to show you another time.
The bottles found a spot in my bedroom on the the mantel, again too dark to get nice pictures but I did have fun with this picture.
The tag is one that Laurie made for me, they are so cute!
much Laurie and Debbie for a special day, I loved meeting you and I look forward to next month!!!!!
Well my friends, this is my last post for a couple weeks.
We are headed to Glen Lake and internet up there is not-so-much.
SO, I will see you in a bit and I hope you all have a wonderful time and
Happy 4th of July!!!!
I will miss you!!
p.s. I will be guest posting at 3 Sun Kissed Boys while I am out but I will let you know what day I will be there. :)