Sunday, January 29, 2012

Art 101

So earlier this year, like three weeks ago, I mentioned how I wanted to pick up a paint brush again.
Not one for the walls, but one for canvas.
I took art classes all through high school and college and have always loved to paint and draw.
I have been a bit nervous since it has been about 17 years since I have painted and "learned" how to paint.
I have so much to relearn and so much to learn that is new.

Since I am a very visual learner, I picked up a few books and found a wonderful website that hopefully will start me on my way.

"Color Mixing Recipes" is great.  
This book shows what colors and how much of each to use to make almost any color under the sun.

"Paint Charming Seaside Scenes" is a wonderful step by step guide.   
"Jacqueline Penney's  love of the ocean is always 
present in her art, which feature sailboats, 
sandy beaches, ocean views and warm 
tropical vacations. Her award winning 
paintings include a self-portrait entitled, “Me”, 
that is in the National Association of Women 
Artist’s permanent collection housed at the 
Zimmerli Art Museum."
You can click on her name to see some of her beautiful seaside paintings.
She also has two other books that I hope to get my hands on one day as well.

She starts off by telling the reader what brushes, paints and other supplies that she uses in the book for all her lessons.

She lays out each step by telling the reader which colors to use with what brush and how to do strokes and/or techniques for that step.

Before each "lesson" she tells us what colors and what brushes/supplies she will be using for that particular lesson.
Great for me because I am be able to have what I need instead of guessing what brush or color I will need.
I don't normally guess well.

So, I lined up my supplies and jumped right in!

Learning new ways to lay out your paint.

Of course I have my little helpers.
He is doing his watercolor, the dog is apparently deep in thought or bored out of her mind. :)

After a few hours of reading, rereading, trying, retrying I finished my first lesson.

I have to say I have a LONG way to go but it was so fun and felt so good to pick up a brush again and create something,

even if it is a copy of someone else's work.

The website that I am in love with right now is Will Kemp's Art School.
He is amazing and give's both written and video tutorials and goes from beginner to advanced.
I have to tell you that I have learned so much already from him and he is so kind and always answers questions and his wonderful accent and enthusiasm for his work just makes me want to learn more.

Hopefully I will begin another lesson this week and it is good for me to take things step by step.  
I have learned a some patience (which is not easy for me sometimes) and I am ok that I am not a master artist in one week. :)
It is the journey, right?

I also wanted to welcome my new friends and THANK you so much for joining me on my crazy journey!
I am having so much fun getting to know you.



Kim@Snug Harbor said... 1

Oh Michelle, that is beautiful - you have a God given talent there. Keep it up, you need to continue painting. You may be selling those one day.

Robin Johnson said... 2

Michelle your painting is amazing! I am so impress that you are able to do something like this. It's truly amazing!

Saby said... 3

Wow...I mean a really big WOW Michelle!! That turned out beautiful. I am lucky if I can draw a straight stick figure, ha ha :). You could even use your finished pieces to decorate your "new" bonus room :).

Vicki said... 4

I think your recreation is amazing. Painting is so challenging. This is beautiful. I love that you are playing and experimenting with your little helpers at your side too! Have fun with it.

michele said... 5

fabulous! i love sharing your journey and look at you just picking up where you left off!

i had a paintbrush in my hand all afternoon as well but it was all about slapping it on the walls. i'm at peace with any kind of paint.


NanaDiana said... 6

Michelle! You can PAINT! WhoooHoooo...I love it. This is good and you are going to get better every time you put the brush to canvas! GREAT JOB! I am so happy for you. I used to paint, too, but haven't touched it in years.

Why am I not surprised you are painting seascapes?;>) xo Diana

A Whole Lotta Magic said... 7

Oh .... sigh


Cassie Bustamante said... 8

wow, you did a beautiful job!
and i often set emmy up with water colors, too, if i am doing a creative project! :)

Pamela said... 9

Michelle that looks amazing!!!

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said... 10

I think it is soooo wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I have always told my husband if I could have one talent, I would want to be an artist. Please continue to share your journey and I will live vicariously through you. :)

Tricia said... 11

Wow, Michelle, that's beautiful! I'd say you have a natural talent. I love art too...drawing especially :)

Unknown said... 12

If this is just the start I'm sure we will be seeing some beautiful art from you Michelle! :) xo K

Anonymous said... 13

Definite talent Michelle! Love it.


Leo said... 14

I am very impressed. I think it came out great. Good for you....sounds like you are going to be enjoying yourself.

Stacy CUrran said... 15

Michelle, I think most people couldn't do that painting if they had a year to try! A lot of it is just natural talent, which you've got girl!

Deborah said... 16

This is more than beautiful...what a creative soul you are!
You have the love of the sea in you and it shows in everything you create.
I love your little helpers :)
Oh hunny you are soaring already!!!
Thanks so much for sharing with us here :)

Deborah xoxoxooxox

Amy Kinser said... 17

Good grief, girl, what can you NOT do!?!? That is just incredible. I am so totally impressed. LOVE it!!

Kristin @ Yellow Bliss Road said... 18

It's beautiful, Michelle! So glad you took the steps to find your passion again. :)

Brandi said... 19

Michelle!!!!! Your painting is absolutely amazing! You did such a beautiful job! I love that you are doing something for yourself!!

Ral @ARTbyRT Seascapes and Island Life said... 20

Wow, terrific! I'm so happy you've gotten a chance to return back to your art. Thank you Lord for good instructors and the internet. The first photo posted of your new "studio" makes a great still life too! Aloha Raliegh

elizabeth said... 21

That is beautiful! I'm new to painting, no training whatsoever, just flying by the seat of my pants and loving it. I'm sure I do nothing right, but I'm having fun!

Karena said... 22


I am so excited that you have started painting again. I can tell by your work and your resources that it IS something you are passionate about! Bravo.

Art by Karena

SLR said... 23 ARE an Artist!! that piece you created/re-made is so good!! and hey, i'm no master artist either, but for what it's worth I have degrees in fine art and art education, so i like to think i have some clue ;) keep at it, i know all your work will be beautiful! i am on a little photography journey of my own now...
wouldn't it be fun to have some kind of blogger art link party together or something? maybe? someday???

erin's art and gardens said... 24

oh michelle, that is just wonderful that you are painting!! treat your artistic side as a gift that needs to be honored, cherished and shared. i can't wait to see where this leads for you. trust yourself and have lots of fun with it!

Jessie Saxton said... 25

Beautiful work, Michelle♥ You are extremely talented! I wish I could paint as well as you!

We took a long ride along the northern shore of Lake Michigan today. Looking out at the slushy water, I thought of you:) Lake Michigan definitely looks a lot like the ocean (only salty sea water).

Have a wonderful, peaceful week:)

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said... 26

I just joined an art class as well. I feel like that part of me is so rusty and is very slowly coming to life. I loved your finished picture.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... 27

THIS IS ONLY AFTER ONE LESSON???? OK, do me a favor. PLEASE OPEN UP AN ETSY SHOP and give it a beach theme and sell these???????? WOULD YOU MAKE ONE WITH AN AQUA TONE???

Do you already have a shop? IF NOT, I encourage you to do so dearest. OOOOOOOOOH I can see it in the making now. You have a gift here Michelle!!!! Please please do it. It is easy and fun!!! BRAVO! Anita

Jenni said... 28

OH MY GOODNESS! Michelle, your painting is AMAZING! It is beautiful, and that blue ocean is so vibrant! Let me just say, not even after 100 lessons could I do that! You have a true gift, my friend! :) And I second the comment above~ I will be right in line to buy one of these paintings of yours! :) And I am so happy for you that you are rediscovering something you always loved doing! :)

I hope you had a wonderful weekend, dear friend! :)


Beach House Living said... 29

It's a lovely painting!

Shabby chic Sandy said... 30

I have always wished I inherited the gift of being able to Grandmothers and my Dad are all painters. What you did is lovely--very peaceful. Great job!

Natalie @ NorthShore Days said... 31

Love it Michelle! It looks amazing - well done you! xx Nat

Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said... 32

Adorable-love it. thanks for the info on the web site and books-I have been wanting to start painting again, too. I did paint the ocean last summer. Haven't tried it again yet.

Suz said... 33

This is your first time? It's wonderful. I would hang it. I am a big beach fan.

Joyce - Quilted Nest said... 34

You go you amazing girl!

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 35


Truly, that's really, really good. I love the whole beachy vibe - and the people add the finishing touch. Bravo!!!

And let me tell you I am SOOO impressed!


Tammy@Beatrice Banks said... 36

You're an artist and I do mean a good one! That's fabulous!
The little artist is quite cute!
Enjoy your week!

Low Tide High Style said... 37

Michelle it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait to see what else you will create. And your son looks like he inherited your artistic genes!

Kat :)

reFresh reStyle said... 38

Michele, I love it! I'm so glad you're doing're an artist :) Have a great week.

Tonya @ Love of Family And Home said... 39

Wow!! Beautiful job my friend!!

Debra from Bungalow said... 40

It's beautiful! You definitely could sell your art! I can't wait to see more.

Completely Coastal said... 41

This is great!!! I've always admired self-taught artists!

Marie said... 42

Oh Michelle - what can I say, you are just a NBT (natural born talent)! Looks like your son's got your genes too. I'm not kidding you, but I love what you painted at first try. Thanks for being brave enough to share it with us.

Martina said... 43

Michelle, your painting is BEAUTIFUL! I love the soft seaside colors. Even if you copied it, it looks a lot like you. Hang on to this!

Unknown said... 44

Good for you Michelle! Your piece is gorgeous! :) x

Seaside Style said... 45

I am soo proud of you! I love it. Just a sneek peek of what we will be seeing from you I a sure. You have inspired me to get out my brushes again! Talented lady.


KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said... 46

painting is such a great way to relax, isn't it?

can't way until i finish my studio space and can get back onto the canvas...

Heaven's Walk said... 47

Holy moly, girl! You are so talented!!!!! You've been a closet painter all along, haven't you? lol! That painting is just beeeeautiful!!

Can I have your autograph....??

xoxo laurie

Unknown said... 48

I would like to find other words but WOW!!!!!!
You are great!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... 49

So good to see you precious Michelle. Honestly, keep working on building some inventory, but you MUST share these gifts with others and an Etsy shop is so fun and easy to start. Please do this; your ability to paint is extraordinary. Can you imagine what you could do if you kept going? You enjoy painting furniture, floors, etc.....what about beach scapes? Look at this! MORE MORE MORE. DO ONE IN AQUA, PLEASE!!!!!!!!

I would buy a small one from you, for my writing corner where I dream of aqua blue seas......


designchic said... 50

Your work is stunning Michele...such a talent!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said... 51

What beautiful art! I'll write down the name of this book! You are inspiring me, my friend! I love beach scenes! ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said... 52

I marked this post! This is something I am really interested in! You are so talented, my friend! ♥

Calypso In The Country said... 53

Oh my Gosh Michelle, you are so talented!!! And your "little helper" is just precious!

Desire Empire said... 54

Well it's a fabulous beginning to your journey. I love your work. I look forward to watching your talent reignite.
Carolyn xx

Pam Kessler said... 55

Wow, I am amazed. You have a talent for painting!

Rose West said... 56

Wow, your painting turned out so beautiful! Looks like you have found yet another talent :) That's wonderful that you are taking time to do something fun and inspiring like this!

Privet and Holly said... 57

Michelle, that is
SO awesome! I
wish I had talents
in this area, but
it skipped a generation
{my mom was an
art major in college}
and landed smack
dab on my daughter.
That's why we were
in Vancouver, looking
at an art & design school.
Love your beach painting.
I'd say you are on your way!

xx Suzanne

Its So Very Cheri said... 58

I just followed your blog and would love it if you would come over and follow my new LINKY FOLLOWER tool.

Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

Special 'K' said... 59

You are so very talented It is lovely. I struggle drawing stick men. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

beachcomber said... 60

a gorgeous painting michelle! you're inspiring me to give painting a go again.
thanks so much for the info about followers! just installed new linky thing on my blog.


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