I put up my first Christmas display the other day with an adorable little tree that I got at a local drug store for $18.
I couldn't pass him up!
The bottom was already wrapped with burlap and I just put him in his new home, the small metal bucket that I used for my Halloween tree!
I had these cloches for a while now and just purchased the flower frogs (thank you Laurie for helping with the name of them :) )
I got this star-shaped mercury glass candle holder at Pier One for $10! YEAH!!!!
Oh, and I have to apologize, the mercury acorns at Walmart were $2.00, not $1.00. I had so much stuff in my cart and I just grabbed them when I saw all them, still well worth it. They do have others for a $1.00 though.
However, I went back today to get some more, but when I found them they were icky!!
They weren't as pretty as the first ones that I had gotten. They looked more like someone had just sprayed flat gray paint, there was no reflection or shine to them.
Oh well, they did have teal ones that were shiny and pretty though so if you are incorporating blues in your home this year for Christmas, these would be perfect!!
Ok, sorry, back to what I was showing you.
Here is a collage I made to show you my little display.

I also purchased a year of the upgraded package for Picnik. I tried to download Photoshop as a trial but it wouldn't work on my computer browser that I have (thanks Kat for you help) and instead of doing something to my computer that I would regret, I just purchased this package. It comes with some nice textures and a whole mess of other things that I can play around with.
If I like this, I might just purchase PS CD and install it on my computer if I have enough room.
Anyway, here is a little sample of what Picnik had to offer me!
My small request is just that, my mom is heading to Chicago as I type this to have her 5th sinus surgery. It is hard because my family will not be able to be there (just my dad) when she goes in on Thursday. Chicago is about three hours from us and my brother and I couldn't get things moved around to go.
Tonight she goes to the hospital to get her sinuses mapped out (they are really high-tech there she said and are so ahead of what the hospitals here can do for her anymore) She will then have the surgery Thursday, go back to a hotel Thursday night, then go back to the hospital on Friday to make sure everything is ok before they come home Friday evening.
I don't know if you have ever had sinus surgery before (I hope not) but it hurts and riding in a car for three hours, well, not fun! I have had one before and that is enough for me.
If I could just ask you to send up a little something to the Big Man upstairs, my family and myself would be very thankful. I have not seen her this nervous before any of other surgeries, but she is strong and I know that she will come through it!
My mom has been living with sinus pain (I am talking narcotic pain killers not even working) for about 10 years now. We hope and pray that the doctors there can help alleviate her pain and let her live a normal life again.
(well as normal as you can with me!)
Also, this will be my last post this week. I am putting together last minute things for my show on Friday and Saturday. I will come back Sunday or Monday with updates on everything!
I hope everyone has a wonderful remainder of the week and a restful weekend!
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
Hey there- Too funny about the acorns! I went yesterday to pick some up and just figured it was yet another sign of California charging too much for things!! I agree- they didn't look near as beautiful as yours- so I didn't end up getting any. Anyway, the new photo looks beautiful ~ will keep you and your family in thoughts and say a little prayer. Talk to you soon! :)
Your display looks beautiful! Love the little tree in the bucket. I hope all goes well for you mom. I have not heard of this before. I have sinus problems but nothing severe. Will keep you all in my thoughts :)
Oooh, look at you and your fancy photo-fiddling!
And a collage too.....
So...is it hard to do? I'm scared of photo programs. Really scared!! Of what, I don't know.
Oh, Michelle, how hard for you and uyour family. I really hope it all goes smoothly and that you feel peace in your heart - and your mum too.
Me and the Big Man upstairsx (I like that) are on first name terms. I will be putting in a number of petitions on your behalf!!
I will be praying for a successful surgery for your mom and a speedy recovery.
Your Christmas display is so beautiful!! I love the wonderful vintage look that it has. Thanks for showing us what the upgraded picnic can do. I am thinking of upgrading myself.
Hey Michelle -
Many prayers channeled your way and to your mom. I hope that she can return home and begin her recovery and hopefully some end to chronic pain. That just sounds awful. I hope that you can accomplish all that you need to over the next few days as well.
Your new display is festive and beautiful. Anything that glitters is a must!
Fist off, absolutely, my family will keep your family, especially your Mom in our prayers. Please let us know how it goes.
Second, your display is beautiful!!! And the technical collage work and the textures, really beautiful. Trying to figure all that stuff out is on my list as soon as I get my blog template upgraded. I am not sure why it is taking so long!
Finally, good luck at your show! I am sure everything will go great, take lots of pics and let us know how it goes!
Take care,
Your photography is looking great!!! I especially like the cropping in the bottom right corner photo. I am going to Walmart tonight for a few things (closest place where I can buy ribbon by me!)and I will go search for those acorns of yours. ;) I am sorry to hear your mom has been suffering with so much awful sinus pain. As she is here in Chicago~ you & your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this op. goes very well and she can get relief real soon.
Lara xx
I thought I was looking at pictures from a magazine. Love the mercury glass. What a great little tree, as well. Looks beautiful!
I will certainly keep your mother in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the surgery is a success and she heals quickly!
Take care,
Praying for a speedy recovery for her! Love the "distressed" pic- always wanted to try that!
Hey friend! I was at Wal-Mart today and looked for them too! :-) Didn't find 'em so it just wasn't meant to be for me...found a million other things though! I will totally pray for your mom and you and the rest of your fam. My dad has dealt with sinus pain for years so I totally understand. She is blessed to have you for a daughter!
I'll burn an extra candle tonite & send good thoughts up into the universe for your mom, & for the doctors' wisdom & healing hands.
Love the simple tree & the bucket, especially on that shabby little table.
First off...Sending positive vibes your way, my thoughts and prayers are for your mom : ) ps I think we're on the same vibe...I just posted about picnik too, isn't it a wonderful program? Your photos and collage are awesome!!! Stacey
Prayers headed your mom's way. I just had a patient who had sinus surgery recently. He said not fun. I have Picnik too. What textures are you talking about? I love your display.
First, good luck to your mom.
LOVE the picnik edited photo... it could be a christmas card!
Michelle my beloved friend...
I pray for the Prince of Peace to manifest Himself within the heart of your dear momma and fill her with the Peace that passes all understanding. He Himself is that peace.
I ask our Lord that He would comfort her as He is the God of all comfort and that your Dad also would be held in Gods arms in these days...
that He would be carried by our heavenly Father.
And that you and your family who love her so much and hurt for her for the pain she has suffered from this condition would be hid away in His love as you wait for your momma to be whole again.
I love you dearly my precious, precious friend...
Thinking of you and your loved ones in these days....
and will remember you all as I travel tomorrow afternoon and through the weekend.
Your tree is so gorgeous in white..I love how you have dispalyed your special treasures...and
the way you've captured them is stunning.
In His love & friendship,
Deborah xo \0/
~**~Love your Christmas finds!! And your mom is in my prayers my friend!! Hugs,Rachel~**~
Hey sweets - First of all, I will certainly be keeping your mother as well as you and your dad in my prayers this week. There is strength and comfort in prayer and you'll have a lot of prayer warriors out here lifting your names up. :)
Second - I love your early Christmas decor! It is really beautiful, girl! I can tell that you've upgraded your Picnik package. Your photos are just amazing! I'm thinking of doing the same thing....Oh, and your tree? LUV it!!!!
(Martha would be totttttally jealous....) lol!
xoxo laurie
Hope everything goes well for you mom. I'll send up a little prayer for her. You collage looks beautiful. Isn't picnik fun? :)
Your display and all of the bootiful little things you are working on are turning out great!! Hope your sale is a success! Isn't Picnik great?! I will pray for your mom. Chronic pain is awful. Hopefully this will give her the relief she's been needing. I will also pray that you will feel His peace even though you can't be there. Hugs to you and your family.
Hi Michelle,
I'm so sorry that your mom need surgery, but I hope it will help alleviate her pain! I will keep her and all of you in my thoughts this week!
I'm also sorry that PS wouldn't work, but your photos look amazing and I love the mosaic you created!!! That tree is too cute, and I love the way you created such a lovely vignette with it!
Best of luck at your show this weekend. And send your mom a big hug and some get well wishes from me please!
Kat :)
I hope your Mom's surgery goes well and it gives her some relief.
I really like your display and your little white tree is so fetching. I would love to have one. I wish our drug stores had them. It's just perfect!
Hope the surgery goes just perfect for your mom and complete healing happens through the surgery. God is in control!!
Let me tell you what I think about your Christmas vignette now...PERFECT...love it!! Where did you get the tree? Love the little frog under the cloche. So simple yet so perfect. Girl...it all looks so great!
Michelle... praying for your mom! Hope she is doing well!!
Love your little tree and your display... and GREAT job on the photo... I like the tones you created with Picnik... in fact I would say your photo is magazine worthy!!
Your photography is wonderful. You did a fantastic job on your holiday display.
I wish your mom the best with her surgery.
Prayers and uplifting thoughts for your Mom, you, and your entire family over the next few days. I know it is very scary when our family members, especially our Moms, undergo surgery procedures. I am sure she will come out just fine...sounds like she will be in good hands. Also sending good vibes for a successful show for you this weekend! :-) ~Iris~
Sending prayers for all you and your mom :) Your display is simply beautiful, and I love how you altered the bottom photo!
Love, Love, Love your display. It is gorgeous.
I seriously need to look into Picnik. WOW!
I'll be thinking about you and your mom. I hope this is something that works so she does not have ot be in pain any longer.
I love the silver and white vignette you put together! The little, white tree mixed with the glass cloches and galvanized bucket is a gorgeous combination! The Picnik photo looks awesome too with the sepia tones.
I am sorry to hear about your mom. I wish her a speedy and full recovery with no more pain.
Sending good thoughts your way and keeping your family in my prayers.
Goodness...what a lovely vignette and pretty mosaic!!!
I'm so sorry about you mom, I really hope they are able to fix the sinus issues.
I love your display of photo's just beautiful! You sure have an eye!
Your displays are so festive..., I love all the silver, yeah..., even though I'm going golden with my decor. And I'm wishing your Mom all the very best!!!!!
Love your Christmas-y decor, Michelle! It's so adorable and VERY festive!
I hope your mom's appointment went well and she's going to have a very smooth and comfortable trip home. Prayers sent! :)
What a pretty Christmas display Michelle. I love that mercury glass candle holder. Wish we had a Pier One...and a Michaels...and a Home Goods...I could go on and on.
I'm so sorry to hear that your mom has suffered so much. She is probably home by the time I read this, but I'm praying for a quick and complete recovery. My mom had sinus surgery once, and has lots of sinus infections. I know it is very painful. It's so hard to see the ones we love suffer. Praying that this surgery will do the trick. Hugs my friend.
The vignette and photos are beautiful Michelle. I have played around with Picknik a little and love it. Are you and I the only ones who don't have photoshop?
I will keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers this weekend.
Hope things are well with mom. As you know, sinuses suck!! You are always in my thoughts. Also, love the tree and the 'scape! Just simply elegant! Like you!
VERY beautiful display!
I am praying for your mom and for your family!!
Wow. You are so talented with those photos. Gorgeous. I will definitely say a prayer for your mom. Hang in there. You have so much support!
Has your mum had her surgery now? I've been thinking about you today....and you at the craft fair.
Hope today goes really well.
Thank you for the kind words on my blog! God is SO faithful!!
Michelle, I'm sorry I am late seeing this, but I am certainly thinking of your mom and wishing her much success with the surgery and speedy recovery! I have heard that sinus surgery is really painful.
Your vignette looks absolutely wonderful!!
Hope your having a good weekend!!
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