Friday, August 19, 2011

Guest Posting Today!

It's FRIDAY!!!!!

I hope you had a great week this week!
This week has been a bit crazy for me, new job, kids school things, sore legs and new blisters from being on my feet busing tables for 6 hours straight!
I do like it though, the people are amazing and it goes by fast.

Today I have the pleasure of guest posting over at Simple Daisy!

So stop on by and say hi!

Also don't forget to enter the Simple Daisy giveaway
to win one of Heather's beautiful bracelets!!

Winner will be announced Monday Aug 22!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope that you get to soak in all you can as summer is beginning to wind down.



Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said... 1

What a perfect image for end of lazy summer days. I always miss that when summer's gone.

Martina said... 2

Happy weekend Michelle, relax and take it easy - i'll do the same! Would love a fire in the evening!

Melissah from Coastal Style said... 3

I would love to have a beach bonfire - we're not allowed to in Australia but maybe one day on a remote beach in the middle of nowhere I'll take the risk!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said... 4

Great post over at Simple Daisy! What a pretty shot. I love sitting around a fire. Great way to end the summer.

Heaven's Walk said... 5

Ahhhh.....what beautiful vacay photos, Michellie! :) It is soooo cool that you stay in the same place your mom and aunt did years ago! Way cool! I just got back from visiting Heather and reading your fantastic guest post! Wonderful job! Can hardly wait to see you again next week!!! Yay!!! I'll letcha know what time we're going to be setting up for the Flea! Please pray for NO RAIN on Saturday and Sunday!!! :) Hugs!

xoxo laurie

NanaDiana said... 6

I'll bet your feet are sore, sweet girl~ I will pop by tomorrow and read your guest post. I see that crazy Laurie is waiting for you to visit again. Did she feed you any of that CrazyCat/SissyDog wine she's been brewing? xo Diana

the fishermans cottage said... 7

Busy times, that sounds like hard work
.. love the last shot, would be perfect for our chilly evenings at the moment :) have a great weekend too x

Comeca Jones said... 8

Thanks for sharing Michelle slow down a bit and enjoy the space you are in.The fire seems cozy.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... 9


School starts for me on Wednesday..just teacher meetings and inservices and classroom prep, but all the same, the curtains are closing on this summer was splendid.


Deborah said... 10

Hi hunny! I loved your guest post at Heathers!!
Love your little projects...what a great idea for the shark!
And the clams in the photo!
Michelle, its so beautiful and your photos are so full of life and love!
I love hearing about all these joys in your life :)
And I agree..Heather is a nice you both got to get together!
Hugs to you both!!

Deborah xoxoxox

Brenda Pruitt said... 11

Oh, that's right! You started a new job! Get those feet up, girl.

Val said... 12

Such a great guest post!

Tricia said... 13

You already started your new job? I'll bet you are busy, especially with school right around the corner. Too bad summer's almost over.

Desire Empire said... 14

Glad to hear you like your new job and being on your feet has benefits re keeping fit. I'd love it if you arrived at my table. But I'd want to buy you a coffee and sit and have a chat.


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