Sunday, August 21, 2011

Odds and Ends of a Boy's Room and a Winner

Greetings my dears!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
It was beautiful here Sunday, actually almost perfect, and I got some much needed relaxation time, well after doing a few things around the house.

The job is going good and I am starting to fall into a routine, although it will only get interrupted with school starting soon so I will again find a new routine. :)

Before I get too far into the post, I chose the winner of the Simple Daisy Giveaway via Random Number Generator.

Congrats to........

#54 - Auntie Bliss!!!

I will let Heather know and pass on your email address so she can ship it to you!!
Enjoy your beautiful bracelet!!!!

And don't forget, Heather is still offering 20% off any item in her shop through Wednesday!
Just enter emerald20 at checkout.

I know that I have been dragging out this shark room for the entire summer, I am sorry.
Lately I haven't had time to finish some things that I have wanted to do but I wanted to show you some of the things that I actually did finish.

I shared this on my guest post at Simple Daisy and some of you wanted to see the end result.

I decided to take the shark cut out that I did earlier this summer and cover it with some driftwood that I collected while on vacation.

I just layered the driftwood

until the shark was all covered.
Easy and WAY cheaper than the pottery barn ones.

My next project that I did was actually really fun!
Well, for me at least. :)

I busted out the jig saw again!

My son wanted a surfboard in his room and after looking on line for some and not finding any cheap, I decided to make my own and add a little something to it.

Drew my pattern,


and sanded the edges to round them a bit.

You see where I am going with this?

Yup, a shark bite out of the surfboard.

Which of course in real life is SO NOT cool,
but for a fun boys room I thought it was kind of cool. :)

I then painted it up and added a little graphic that I found online which I used transfer paper and then hand-painted it.


I was pretty happy about it and had alot of fun making it. :)

Next I will share the wall that I put up and then hopefully soon I will show the whole room.
I know, I know, about time!!

Until then, enjoy your week.

I know that Bosco is enjoying his already.
Oh the life. :)



Completely Coastal said... 1

The driftwood shark is brilliant, Michelle!! I'm now thinking that I could cut out something (an anchor maybe) and cover it with shells. Don't have the driftwood, but a bucket full of small shells that I scooped up from the beach. The surfboard is so fun too!! Enjoy your week too!

PCovi said... 2

I am tickled to be the winner!!! Thank you both!!!!
Your driftwood shark is just adorable. And the surfboard is perfect for your son's room...I'd do a boy's room that way also (I have three boys, they'd all think it was neat).

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said... 3

You're a force to be reckoned with with that jigsaw! Both projects are terrific!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... 4

Michelle dearest,

Are you selling your wares? You have really been honing your art to a TEE and these whales, sharks, surfboards and HEADBOARDS and mantels....all of it is magnificent work. How are you feeling about summer coming to a close? I am enjoying a cool breeze, sunny rooms, and the color of aqua in my home being illuminated by the morning sun. Such joy....Anita

Angela said... 5

What a great idea to have a shark bite out of the your son loved it! Very well done.

Beach Coast Style said... 6

oh wow!! i love both of your projects! never thought to make my own surfboard! love the the shark bite design!

Seaside Style said... 7

Girl! Brillant with the surfboard! I love it!!!! Good for you> Sorry I have been a bit MIA. Miss ya!


michele said... 8

i am torn. i love BOTH of these projects so much! i am super impressed with your surfboard and will be showing this to my husband because i love the idea of a surfboard casually leaning against a wall in a boy's room.

gonna go over and read your guest post i somehow missed.

keep creating, michelle. keep aiming high like you always do!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said... 9

Your projects are very cool! I need to find more driftwood to play with! I love the fish! Congrats to your winner! I LOVE this jewelry...have some that stays on the top of my wish list! Hugs! ♥

Deborah said... 10

Oh hunny they are so beautiful !!
That shark with the driftwood is amazing, and the cool is that? ! :)
He must love it all !
You have been so busy..always a labour of love with you Michelle.
So good to hear you are still enjoying the summer sun...soak it all up while you can xo
And have a tall glass of lime-ade on your deck and I'll be right there beside you my friend..sipping the rest of the summer away Lol
Congrats to Auntie Bliss !
What a beautiful and generous giveaway from Heather !!!!
Love you sweetie xoxoxoxo

Deborah xoxoxoxooxox

At The Picket Fence said... 11

You never cease to amaze me, my friend!! That driftwood shark and the surfboard are absolutely incredible! You are one super cool mom to create such a fantastic space for your soon and I can't wait to see the rest. :-)

simone said... 12

Hey Michelle, you are sooo talented-why don't you open up an Etsy store? Your creations are so unique and well made.

Amy Kinser said... 13

Girl, you have some great carpentry skills.

beachside cottage said... 14

What a great idea and super results! Enjoy!!!


Cassie Bustamante said... 15

i love those pieces! can't wait to see them in the room!

Comeca Jones said... 16

I giggled when I saw the surfboard Michelle so cute!

Suz said... 17

Love this post top to bottom with kitty. Congrats to the winner.

Heaven's Walk said... 18

Woman with a power toooool - coming through!!!! lol! Great job on that surfboard and driftwood shark, lil'sis! You are truly very talented and so stinkin' creative. You continue to amaze me with your ideas and the way you wield those power tools! lol! Congrats on the winner of Heather's bracelet! Guess I'll have to mosey on over to Heather's shop now and order one since I didn't win.... :) See you this weekend! ♥

xoxo laurie

beachcomber said... 19

hi michelle, congrats to the winner.. you did a great job with the driftwood shark, and i'm impressed with your skills with power tools!

Unknown said... 20

Hi Michelle; Well, I am disapointed that I didn't win (boo hoo!) because her work was lovely! But.... I enjoyed reading your newest post - you are so creative! You could have told us that you drew that shark thing free-hand, I actually thought you did until you told everyone you downloaded it :-) I can't believe I didn't add you to my sidebar of favorite blogs before but I'm adding you now to my sidebar :) :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting - See you around blogland!


Unknown said... 21

Okay scratch what I just said about not having you on my list of favorite blogs and top referrers... you were on my sidebar all the time!


Cathy M~(checkitoff) said... 22

I am thinking Etsy store for your shark/surfboard creations!! Those are both awesome and would sell so well!! Think about it!! hugs, cathy

a quiet life said... 23

You are so talented, your very own shark week!

Kidding aside, our beach house sits on the red triangle... Great whites... The board is a bit chilling ...

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said... 24

Luuuuuv, the driftwood shark!!! So cool! The surfboard is great too. Your son is going to have the coolest room ever!

Claudia said... 25


I wish you would open an etsy store. Love the driftwood shark and surf board.. It came out awesome. Have a nice week.
Claudia said... 26

You certainly win the "Most Creative" award. Love that you use power and tools and aren't afraid to use them :) Take care!

Kirsty Girl said... 27

I love it! The drift wood shark especially! And the kitty! hehe. So cute!

Jenni said... 28

Oh, I LOVE the surfboard you made, and what an awesome idea to add a shark bite out of it! I love it! Your son must be over the moon happy with all you have been doing in his room! :) I am so glad to hear your new job is going well! I can imagine that you do have sore legs after six hours at work, though! :) Oh, and congratulations to the winner of your giveaway!

I hope you have a wonderful week, too! Your cat is SO cute~ my daughter is sitting here with me, and agrees with this! :)


Tonya @ Love of Family And Home said... 29

So glad everything is working out well with your new job!! So happy for you!! That driftwood shark is adorable & the surfboard turned out fantastic!! I'm telling you are so talented!!

zizi bloom said... 30

thank you sweetie!
i follow you back!!!!

Kelle Dame said... 31

Oh sooo cute!! I love them! He is going to have the coolest room ever! You are so creative! Can't wait to see more!

Low Tide High Style said... 32

Congrats to Auntie Bliss! And oh my gosh I love both the surfboard and your driftwood shark, you are so clever!

Kat :)

Arabella said... 33

Fantastic job on the shark and surfboard! The bit mark is ingenious - so cute. Congrats to the winner of the Simple Daisy giveaway - lucky winner :O)

Hope you're having a good week.


Burlap Luxe said... 34


Love both the surf board and the shark! what a killer shark of a Mom you are!

Thank you for your beautiful visit and taking the time to leave a comment :)

Rose West said... 35

Saw your post over at Simple Daisy! The shark turned out great - that's such a cool theme for a boys' room. I hope your job continues to go well!

Seawashed said... 36

Well I must make something out of driftwood now! I love how your shark turned out. And I have been hunting for an old vintage surfboard for so so long. I never thought to have my dear carpenter hubby saw one out with wood. You are awesome with all your projects!!! Soon you will be opening an etsy shop too. ox

Linda@Coastal Charm said... 37

Now that driftwood shark is very "COOL"...thanks for sharing it with all of us.


Deborah@Green Willow Pond said... 38

That "shark bite" surf board is genious! I'll bet your son loved it. I can't wait to see the room, but I know the feeling of taking forever to complete a project. My summer has been so busy, I haven't had time for all the projects calling my name!

rjerdee said... 39

You have a fun like in a fun house, Michelle! Love the shark bite surf board, very clever:)

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said... 40

Congrats to the winner!
Love the surfboard Michelle...can't wait to see it all together!

Pam Kessler said... 41

Your surfboard is so cute. Hope no one lost a leg in that accident.

The Single Nester said... 42

You are so talented! Dang!

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 43

The Power Tool Queen strikes again!!! This is so cool....just like you!!

I love all the things you design, Michelle. You have such a good eye for all things beachy.


Anne said... 44

LOVE the chewed up surfboard, so witty! You're making the coolest stuff, Michelle, you should go pro!!

Kay said... 45

Love the driftwood shark! I recently made a driftwood sculpture to remind me of my faraway kids who live on Haida Gwaii. (Plenty of driftwood there! lol)
Love your blog!

clp said... 46

merci pour cette belle visite

clp said... 47

je te pique ton idée ( le requin ) j'adore


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