Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beautiful Lake Cottages

I really wanted to show you some of the beautiful cottages/homes that are around Glen Lake, so I decided that the best way to do that, besides walking up to the residents and asking to take pictures, was to take pictures while we were on our daily boat rides.

Here are a few of my favorites!
(sorry about the quality of the pictures, it was a little challenging holding still while going fast on a boat and a 4-year-old on my lap :) )

Every year they decorate the porch with these buntings. It just looks like a place out of a magazine!

This cottage was built by the man who "invented" the Soft Batch cookie!! I am not sure if he sold it or if he still resides there though.
He needs a cookie stand out front there! :)

I love the openness of this cottage. What a great view from any room!

This cottage is fairly new. It is tucked away within the trees but still has a great view of the lake.

This is by far my favorite! It is simple and beautiful! It is located on Little Fisher Lake, which you can get to through channels off of Glen Lake, and the view is perfect! I wish I could get inside to see the rest of the cottage! Maybe next year I will be bold enough to ask.

Can't you just see yourself relaxing on the front porch there!? It is so peaceful!

I am just amazed at how big these cottages are!

This cottage reminds me of something that should be on the edge of an ocean! It is situated on a small cliff with rocks stacked to form a pretty steep edge. Another one of my favorites that I would love to see the inside.

Certainly big enough to be a house! Check out the chimney in the screened in porch to the right. How great would that be to sit at night by the fire in there!

Cottages/houses range up there from one room to 15 rooms! They are all beautiful in there own way and what I wouldn't give to have one of my own!

Don't forget to enter in my Emerald Cove Jewelry give away! Click here to find out how! I will be drawing a name on Friday!!


The Frosted Gardner said... 1

These homes are so lovely! Each one with its own character! Thank you for visiting our blog and leaving so many nice comments! Love love reading them. You are sweet. I am your newest follower Michelle!

michelle said... 2

Thank you so much Melanie!
I love reading your blog and watching the transformations of all your furniture, they are so beautiful I really don't know how you part with a lot of them!


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