I am sure that on my dad's wedding day he had no idea what kind of adventure that he had ahead of him or what kind of father he would be. Well, almost 45 years of marriage and two kids later, I am pretty confidant that he would do it all over again, and I hope that he would not change a thing.
My dad is my hero and at 36 years-old I still call him 'daddy'. He has taught me so much in my life, sometimes without me knowing until years later when I find myself saying things to my kids that he said to me. He never yelled but would simply talk to us in that 'dad' voice and we new we were in trouble. I respected my dad and his rules (though I did try and break them from time to time) but no matter how angry or how disappointed he was with us and our actions, I always knew that he loved me. He supported me through sports, boyfriends, school, jobs, marriage and kids and he was not afraid to ask the difficult questions or tell me how he feels. He straightened me out during a low point in my life and never left my side when I was in the hospital after open-heart surgery. He set a great example for my brother and I when it comes to parenting and marriage and being an overall 'good' person and for that, I am eternally grateful. He continues to pass his love and encouragement on to his grandkids and is an amazing grandpa!
There are not enough words to describe how much I love my dad and how much I appreciate his guidance and love through my life. I only pray that I can pass off to my kids what my dad has passed onto me. I love you daddy! Happy Fathers Day!
I am sure that he will greatly appreciate these pictures of us growing up!! :)

Such a beautiful post Michelle. Listening to your play list as I read this post made me really teary-eyed.
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