Thursday, August 12, 2010

Driftwood Sailboat

Wednesday turned out to be kind of a long, HOT day! I spent most of it running around trying to find some ribbon for a frame that I am finishing up for a customer and going to appointments that didn't exist! Oops!! Not such a good thing when you prepare a 4-year-old for the dentist all day and then come to find out when you get there that the appointment is actually NEXT Wednesday! Oh well, he was relieved but now I have to think of a new speech about how great the dentist is..

Anyway, I got some alone time at night and decided to make the driftwood sailboat that I so loved on Simple Daisy. Heather is so creative and inspiring and I loved her driftwood boat, she did such an amazing job! These boats were also featured by Maya at Completely Coastal (along with other cool driftwood crafts and inspirations)

So, I dug into my bag-o-driftwood that I collected from my vacation up North...

(did I mention that I kind of like driftwood?)

found some pieces that I thought would work..


grabbed the power drill.......I love power tools!!!!!!

This is my "Oh Yeah, Power Tools" face!

I do not, however, love mosquitoes! They were everywhere!!

I quickly drilled the hole for the pole, twisted in some eyelets that we had and glued the pole into place and ran inside!!

I picked up some fabric squares when I was getting the ribbon, cut them into triangles, tied them down with twine that I found in the garage and.....

here it is!!! I love how it turned out!

I placed in on my fireplace to bring in some more of the aqua color over in that area.

There is another great craft idea from inspiring blogger friends, and a nice way to end the day!

Off to find the next one!!


Simple Daisy said... 1

Oh my....gorgeous!!!
Great job:) :) :)

Maya @ Completely Coastal said... 2

I guess "drill baby drill" takes on a new (and better) meaning!! Great that you posted a how to. I'm compiling all the driftwood boats out there for a future post. I think making one myself is next on my list! Well, after I paint the buoys, and try the knot, haha.

The Single Nester said... 3

I just love this! Everything except for the mosquito. I can't believe you took a photo. I would have smacked the S&^T out of that thing.

René said... 4

That is the sweetest sail boat ever!


Deborah said... 5

Hi Michelle
Cute blog! I love your photo on top ..sea and the driftwood..gorgeous!
Happy to meet you..Im following you...(purehunnybee)

Deborah :)

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said... 6

Wonderful, Michelle! This is such an awesome idea!

BTW - LOVE your blog -- and your jewelry is AMAZING, it's absolutely beautiful -- just my style! I'm your newest follower -- and I can't wait to see all the things you'll share! :)

beth said... 7

I love it!! That blue fabric is so pretty. And your fireplace is beautiful!!
We have some driftwood that we collected, and I was trying to find some decorating ideas. I'm going to have to try this!! :)


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