Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feather and Twine Tree

Ok, I think I am safe talking about Christmas now. I Have seen some of you lovely ladies talk about Christmas already so I am hopping on the band wagon!

Let it be know that I LOVE Christmas! LOVE IT!!

I am the crazy woman that plays Christmas music right after Halloween, I put up my outside lights before Thanksgiving and on Thanksgiving night, yup, the tree goes up!!!

I love the feeling that the Holidays radiate! The love, peace and joy. The "It's a Wonderful Life" or "White Christmas" (sing to me Bing!) feeling where everyone at the end sings and dances and echoes the meaning of Christmas!

I get all giddy when I hear Johnny Mathis on the radio and that first snow fall that covers the ground completely in a blanket of white.

Knowing that Christ was born for us!

I could go on and on.....


I will save that for another day!

Right now I want to show you what I have been working on to bring with me to my last two shows.

I picked up a feather boa the other day after seeing these in the store already.

Martha Stewart

I knew I was too lazy to glue each feather on individually so I cheated with the boa!

I just wrapped it around the tree form, gluing in random spots to hold everything on,

then topped it with a pretty little green and gold bow!


(I was having fun playing around with the pictures too. I just thought that white feathers needed some glam :) )

The next tree I did was a jute twine tree. Same concept, just wrapped and wrapped and wrapped some more while gluing a strip on opposite sides so the jute stayed in place.

I glued two crochet snowflakes together (I purchased those, I do not know how to crochet, but would love to learn on day) and topped the tree!

I love the simplicity of it.

I just wanted to thank you all for you amazing support and sweet comments on my little business decision. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and knowing that you have or are going through a similar situation makes me feel more at peace.

Thank you all my dear friends!

I will be partying with the linky parties on my top tab!


Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said... 1

Oh, Gosh, Michelle!! These are TOO adorable! They are just the right amount of chic and Christmas all rolled up into one (or two) trees! :) What a wonderful idea to use twine and feathers -- they are PERFECT! I'm sharing these on my FB page. :)

Maya @ Completely Coastal said... 2

Sooo adorable!!! I love Christmas! I thought I wait with postings (and coastal Christmas celebrations) until after Thanksgiving..., now I'm not so sure anymore! Hmmmmmm...

Vanessa said... 3

Oh Michelle! I just keep liking you more and more!!! :-) How would you feel if I told you I have already been listening to Instrumental Christmas music??? I kinda hide it from my hubby or else I get teased mercilessly but it just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy especially on these cold dreary days we are having in the NW. I decorate almost everything before Thanksgiving because we often celebrate Christmas then with my family. My poor confused kids! :-) Anyway, these are absolutely gorgeous creations and I may have to just borrow this idea if I end up hosting a table at a Holiday Dinner at our church. I'll give you all the credit though!
Thanks for linking up to the party!

Deborah said... 4

The feather tree is so it!
And the bow ..dresses it up even more!..
I love the twine one too..and that crocheted snowflake is such a nice contrast!
Looks like Christmas is well on its way...peeping out so beautifully from your sweet blog :)

Im dreaming..of a white Christmas...fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-lala :)

All my love,
Deborah xoxoxoxo

Val said... 5

Seriously? I love this.

Unknown said... 6

So stinkin' cute! Can you make me a couple and drop them off on my doorstep!! :) love the feathers.

Heaven's Walk said... 7

There you go again, girlie....being all creative and ingenious and just adorable!!!

LOVE THEM!!!! :)

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said... 8

That twine Christmas tree is perfect. Think it would look amazing aside those wreaths made from old sheet music. How on earth did you get the twine to look so perfect?! Nice!

Finding Home said... 9

Very cute, glad to know I am not the only one who turns on the Christmas music right after Halloween. I am also very excited we are only traveling for Thanksgiving Day this year so I will hopefully be able to get some decorating done early as well. I was just finishing cleaning the basement and was contemplating if it was too early to start putting up a tree down there. I bought a white tree on clearance next year and rounded up a bunch of ornaments on clearance and I can't wait to see how it all comes together!

Tricia said... 10

Your projects turned out so nice Michelle! I love your little feather tree :) I read your previous post too and I can sooo relate, sometimes it is so hard figuring out what direction your life should take. Best wishes :)

Unknown said... 11

I LOVE the feather tree! It's awesome! What a clever idea, I am totally doing this! XX!

Amy said... 12

Found you on tickled pink- your title picture is lovely!

Bring on Christmastime!!

Blondie's Journal said... 13

This is just so sweet, Michelle! You did a great job!


The Single Nester said... 14

I am stealing your ideas girl (with credit of course :) These are fantastic! I don't know if I will be celebrating Christmas full-out this season. I do love the holiday but since my brother's passing, all of the "firsts" without him have been hard.

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 15

I'm also proud to LOOOOOVE Christmas from about January, to be honest!

There's a blog I've found recently called Christmas 365 that has a BRILLIANT Christmas soundtrack. I'm not normally that keen on soundtracks because they slow everything down but wait till you hear this one!!

I love your trees. What did you start off with? Some kind of cone?


Simple Daisy said... 16

Love them both!!
I think I have jute roped just about everything I own!!! Love that stuff:):)

Patti's Artful Design said... 17

Michelle....I love the look of the feather tree, and I also love the fact that it was a quick project! Thank you for sharing! I am having a 100th posting giveaway, if you are interested...please stop by.

Vicki said... 18

Hey there! I love these. I'm working on some trees myself and may post one this weekend. I've added myself as a follower. So nice to meet you!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said... 19

Goodness- This is amazing! I love the white feathered tree!! I never thought about wrapping a boa around a cone form!! Great idea!! I love the twine tree too- very rustic and beachy! Thanks so much for joining Feathered Nest Friday and sharing this delightful 'Feathered Tree' (couldn't resist!!) I love it! :)

Amy Kinser said... 20

Great ideas. I will be trying both of these. My daughters would especially love the feather tree. My youngest would love a hot pink one I am sure. Thanks for sharing..

. said... 21

I'm totally in love with BOTH of them!!! Great job! :)

Morgane @ Bear,Dolly and Moi said... 22

I am with Amy there, more than likely it will be hot pink here! For my part, I would go with the twine tree, so elegant in its simplicity.
Both are great ideas!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said... 23

Love the feathers - so fluffy and pretty! Christmas projects make me smile! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

It's A Priceless Life said... 24

I love the feather tree...and that you made it with a boa and just wrapped it - Pricele$$!!

Megan Gunyan said... 25

Isn't Christmas wonderful? I saw my neighbors put up their lights already! I love the feather and twine trees. LOVE 'EM I tell you! They look fantastic!
Thanks for joining my link party and stop by again for a fun necklace giveaway! Have a great week!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said... 26

really CUTE ideas, I love the twine one too! I just saw on someones blog they had a twine wreath and loved it.

happy creating for Christmas! xoxo

Anonymous said... 27

Love the feather tree. Great job. The tree with the jute twine and star is wonderful too.
I love Christmas, and am starting to sneak out things to decorate with too.

Rebecca said... 28

Cute feather tree-wish I could love Christmas-just hate it-other than the fact that Jesus Christ was born-work retail-long hours and everything goes up early September-!!!

Katherine said... 29

So pretty! Love the white feathers-so dreamy!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said... 30

How Adorable ~ Christmas will be here, before we know it!

Pam Kessler said... 31

Those trees are so cute. I am in love with all things Christmas also. Looking forward to seeing your decorating projects.

Holly Lefevre said... 32

I love them is like my house a little feather and a little twiney...that totally made sense in my mind! I am tickled pink over this!

Finding Home said... 33

Great being featured at French Country Cottage. Love both trees!

Drawn to The Sea said... 34

I think this weekend I shall make a twine tree too. I gave away my little snowflakes, perhaps a starfish topper?

Jacqueline said... 35

I am your newest follower! Come over and visit.

I adore the feather tree and came over from Feathered Nest Friday to see it! You were featured. Glad I came over. I thought you would have glued it on one by one too. I have 2 feathered trees that I bought years ago from Home Goods and love them. But I am going to be making one just like this to add to. How easy! Thanks for sharing such a fabulous idea.


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